My doctor accused me of using steroids!!!

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by BeachDude1992, Sep 22, 2015.

  1. I went to the doctor today and had my blood done, when I got the results, they said that my testosterone levels are high. My doctor asked me 3 times if I used steroids...all that in one conversation. So I told him the truth. He told me to have sex (with a condom) or masturbate every once in awhile. I'm 23 years old. To be honest, I have not used steroids at all, I have no history whatsoever. I do bodybuilding, but I'm all natural. I take my regular protein shakes and creatine monohydrate, that's about it. When I started doing NoFap, I started going to the gym to keep busy from relapsing, I had so much energy to expel. I think my testosterone boosted up. That's my only explanation of this accusation. lol

    Think about that...this is what NoFap dedication did for me. What I discovered: Confidence, Muscle gains, More energy, More focus. etc...A LOT MORE.

    To guys who are just starting this:
    THIS NoFap Commitment IS AMAZING. PEACE!
    iLoveHer and Amukadi8 like this.
  2. IGY

    IGY Guest

    What a dozy doctor! :rolleyes: Do you know what number your testosterone level is?
  3. Booster

    Booster Fapstronaut

    lol thats fantastic, I read on Ybop of a guy that went from 400 to 900 + with nofap and he was 40 years plus. have you noticed muscle increase to be easier?
    Thechosenone likes this.
  4. Amenquaruzz8

    Amenquaruzz8 Fapstronaut

    I'm so proud of you bro for all your courage, effort, dedication and will power, because in the end it all paid off, that's something no one can take away from you. Hold your head up high bro :)
    BeachDude1992 likes this.
  5. Will do. And to you too!
  6. numpty

    numpty Fapstronaut

    What's your nofap streak?
  7. It was 26 when I wrote this. now I went back to relapse. I am now on day 4
  8. Damn, I am so fucking inspired now. Thanks for sharing man!
    BeachDude1992 likes this.
  9. CountryDude

    CountryDude Fapstronaut

    Did your doctor say what's wrong with high testosterone levels?
  10. High testosterone levels can lead to prostate enlargement, and more likely to have a heart attack (only at men of 50 yrs or older). Excess testosterone in the body can turn into estrogen, which has the backfire effect. It has to be balanced. too much of anything is not good. Balance is the key.