My 30 day journey of no porn

For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. We make time for our priorities. If you cannot find two minutes each day to meaningfully to check in, that tells you something, don't you think?
  2. AndyA

    AndyA Fapstronaut

    That is true, but when you walk 10ish miles a day 7 days in a row and come home and immediately crash as I did Sunday, it may just mean you're dead tired.

    Day 3
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2021
    Tao Jones and geester like this.
  3. wow 10 miles a day would absolutely kill me, 8 is bad enough during the weekend, can barely walk more then 3 and a half miles now days. I say check in with yourself or with God pray as you walk back while perhaps listening to the long and winding road by beatles
  4. AndyA

    AndyA Fapstronaut

    I'm back to Day 1. I should've known on my days off I would be tempted more than usual. But, this failure isn't going to go to waste. I noticed new triggers that I'm getting rid of.
    Tao Jones likes this.
  5. XandeXIV

    XandeXIV Fapstronaut

    Well done for keeping aware of the triggers. You may also find it helpful to develop new habits for when triggers occur. For example, if I get a rush of temptation while lying in bed, I start rubbing my own arm, as if I'm redirecting the energy to this and not to M. The more you do this (or alternative), the more naturally you will do it.
    AndyA likes this.
  6. AndyA

    AndyA Fapstronaut

  7. AndyA

    AndyA Fapstronaut

  8. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    You are on the right track if you are finding and fighting your triggers. I think it is also very important to consider what your defenses are (Prayer?, Making your device inconvenient when alone?, etc.) and remain on the lookout for periods when you may have let defenses weaken due to complacency. The devil preys on us when we are most vulnerable so even when you aren't being tempted, keep your shields up!

    It feels like it has been a painfully slow process to learn to eliminate all vestiges of sinful desires. However, when I consider that I indulged myself for 5 decades, I have to admit that I have come a long way in the last 10 months. Perhaps the pathway to purity is shorter than I perceived.

    Thank you God for your patience with me! I know my eyes are still drawn for furtive glances at a pretty face or figure and thus I know my heart is not as pure as I wish it to be. Dear Lord, may I learn to look past outward appearances so that I may only see everyone as a fellow soul. Teach me to desire a truly clean heart!
  9. AndyA

    AndyA Fapstronaut

  10. AndyA

    AndyA Fapstronaut

    Back to Day 1 again... However, today wasn't a total failure. I realized a huge trigger in my life. I don't know how I didn't see it before. But, looking back, it has tempted me many times... It's a TV show that has attractive actors in it. There isn't really anything bad in the TV show itself, however, I found myself looking up many of the actors and sure enough, many have done pornographic scenes in other TV shows and movies. That's what I did today, I saw one of the attractive actors and thought to myself, let's see what else she has done. I listened to the lie of I'm not going to look at any nudity or pornography. That quickly went out the window and I found myself on a downward spiral. Needless to say, I eliminated that trigger out of my life. I don't plan on watching any more episodes.
    Tao Jones likes this.
  11. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    Good recognition! I have done the same sort of thing. Ultimately, I recognized that I unconsciously chose shows that featured attractive actresses, no matter how innocent the show's theme might be. My weak mortal mind is always willing to listen to the devil whispering "it is completely innocent, go ahead, it's OK".
    But it's not OK! In truth, most of these actors, their directors and the show's promoters would willingly sell their souls for a bit more fame and wealth and they have absolutely no compunction about luring others into hell with them.

    When I make a truly honest examination of my conscience, I must admit that even when a show, a news story or a post is truly innocent, I can contort almost any furtive image into a reason for lust. Without self discipline and a heartfelt desire for God's grace, I can be like a salivating dog continuously staring at a thick steak. In such a state, it is almost impossible to find something or someone that doesn't promote sinful thoughts and if I give in to lust in any form, PMO becomes one step closer.

    I conclude that I must always be ready to exercise control and avert my eyes regardless of how innocent the situation. There is a lot of temptation out there and even where it is not intended an unchecked mind can be used by the devil to conjure up evil.

    Nothing worthwhile comes easy but as Tao Jones says, "freedom is worth any price".
    Keli, XandeXIV and Tao Jones like this.
  12. If we feed lust even table scraps, it will eventually take everything from us. Thus, we cannot afford to give it anything. We must starve it completely. This starts with the eyes, but it must end with the heart!
    Keli, CPilot and XandeXIV like this.
  13. AndyA

    AndyA Fapstronaut

    I just wanted to give everyone an update on this topic. With God's help and grace, I was finally able to reach 30 days. In fact, I think I'm at 40 days now. I don't plan to stop now, this was just a first step. Onward to hundreds and thousands of days!
  14. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    Well done! Please tell us more about how you obtained this wonderful grace.
  15. XandeXIV

    XandeXIV Fapstronaut

    Congratulations on this milestone! I pray that God continues to lead you on this wonderful path. Keep on keeping on :emoji_muscle:
  16. value

    value Fapstronaut

    That's amazing @AndyA. Congratulations! Let's keep going!
  17. I'm proud of you for meeting and exceeding your goal. Congratulations!
  18. AndyA

    AndyA Fapstronaut

    My streak is still going at 130+ days thankfully! I think I can say my brain has "rewired" now. It took more than 90 (accepted average) days for me personally. I think it probably varies from person to person. I no longer feel like I'm going to break down from not looking at porn. My body no longer feels "sick". In my memory, I still have flashbacks of porn videos and images that I looked at in the past. But, over time, things are starting to fade. I'm finding it harder to remember porn star and erotic models names. I'm hoping things will continue to fade, but I know I won't be able to completely wipe out everything. However, I finally feel like the future is starting to look bright again after nearly 3+ years of falling back into porn... This was after being free for 11 years. So, for anyone reading this, don't ever think you can't fall back into it or you're strong enough to handle temptation. The devil knows right where to hit and he is persistent. He'll wear you down over years and years. That's why we need the full armor of God. The devil has tricks and plans and traps to make you fall. That is how I fell. I never saw it coming so we NEED the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18).

    James 4:7 "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."

    As for how I overcame this, I really don't know how to explain it. This is a Christian group so I will try to explain it in a spiritual way the best I can. It involved God and Him removing His protection over me after looking at a certain porn video. I don't think it was this one video, but a culmination of many years of looking. God's protection being removed scared me so bad. The devil now had access to me and my life and he hurt me really badly. The bottom fell out everywhere.... I cried many many tears during this time. I believe God has restored most of His protection now. For those involved in sin, please fight and do everything you can to get free. God will remove His blessings from you, in order to get your attention and get you back. He doesn't want to see you hurt, but He won't bless sin. So, He'll start to remove blessings. He also loves you and won't sit by as you continue in self destruction (in our case, porn that many can testify has ruined lives). He is patient and will give you time. I believe this varies also. For me, it was a little over 3 years before God removed His blessing of protection. For those that haven't been free for many years, then you aren't living in God's best and you're leaving the door open for the devil to attack. God has great plans for you, if you can get free. I was living life in God's best for me until I fell into porn. For me, He slowly removed several blessings from me over the past 3 years that I loved. One example is I worked in two ministries that helped people. I loved doing this! It was my calling... When I fell into porn, after a few months, I had to leave both and get a job elsewhere. This job was and is really hard labor. The hardness of it has been relaxed a lot the past few months as I switched to working overnight. On some occasions, I walked over 10 miles a day and worked in blazing heat, extreme cold, rain, wind, snow, ice and at times, I worked over 16 hours in a 24 hour period. I now only walk about 5 miles a day and I'm rarely in bad weather. I believe things will continue to get better as I cling to God and keep sin out of my life. Blessings being removed continued until, finally, He removed His protection for a short period of time. That is when the devil wreaked havoc on my life. So, PLEASE, if you are God's child, then remain under His hand of protection and blessings by not sinning. If you're not under it, then please fight and do everything you can to get under it. I know there will be scoffers and people that won't agree. I know there are Christians that vary spiritually and have different views so I won't argue over this. I simply won't reply to any that try to argue or debate. But, this is how I view things and my view from reading the Bible for many years.

    Some tools that I use in my fight. I tried many different apps and blockers. These were the best for me. But, remember, these are just tools and you will find a way around them if you're committed so don't just rely on these:
    Clean Browsing DNS on my router
    Plucky on my laptop (very hard to bypass if you configure it correctly)
    Stay Focused for my phone. The version I use is the paid version, it's cheap. When I bought it, it was under $10 for lifetime access so it's well worth it. It's very versatile and can block just about anything you want.
    Here's a link on this site that will lead you to all or almost all of the worthwhile blockers out there:

    For Christians or those that want to know more, this channel has really helped in setting me free and has helped in explaining things and renewing my faith in God after the bottom fell out in my life:
    -I don't necessarily agree with everything on this channel, but I feel like it views Christianity from a different angle. Same truth, different angle.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2022
    value likes this.
  19. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    Thank you for sharing your story and your caution. I know what you say is true in that the devil is always on the prowl for an opportunity to tempt us to sin, regardless of how long we have been without a sin. Nevertheless, you story of 11 years free is inspiring, just as is your caution.

    Respectfully, I hope to clarify something you said repeatedly, that is "God took away His blessings". I hope this doesn't seem like mere semantics on my part, as I believe this is an important distinction. Specifically, I don't believe God takes away things He gives to us. However, I think the phenomenon you are referring to is grace. In my understanding, grace is the fuel which prompts us to do God's will, to fight temptation and to deeply feel God's loving presence. Using the analogy of fuel, grace must be regularly replenished through heartfelt, fervent prayer. Staying with this analogy, when we are presented with a steep mountain to climb (e.g. a renewed attack from the enemy) we need even more fuel/grace to power us and, once again, that fuel is obtained through prayer. What do you think?
    AndyA and value like this.
  20. AndyA

    AndyA Fapstronaut

    I think that may be one way of looking at it. I think of the story of Job. When God allowed the devil to attack Job, it seems His protection (hedge) was removed for a short period of time. Afterwards, the devil destroyed him. He took away his family, property, and health. We know from the end that God blessed Job more in the end than the beginning. In this instant, I think God's protection was a blessing or grace. This is how I felt during this time. It wasn't to such extreme, but it felt similar. God took something the devil meant for evil and turned it for good.
    CPilot likes this.