monk mode possible in relationship?

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Pranav1486, Dec 29, 2018.

  1. Pranav1486

    Pranav1486 Fapstronaut

    is it really possible with your partner around you? I started after 6-7months of our marriage. I had wild past as single guy life. I do not have physical issues. She do not have dopamine addiction as I do. I was searching for Karreza and just satisfy her. Just going with flow, lets see how it goes.

    anyone gone through same situation?
    Trappist likes this.
  2. Pranav1486

    Pranav1486 Fapstronaut

  3. Anything is possible, just takes communication with partner. She technically has a right to sexual intimacy with you, since you agreed to get married, but other areas have to be in balance too. It is possible to have intercourse and avoid ejaculation, if you're concerned about your recovery, but I don't know much about it. Keep your recovery a priority and your relationship a priority (which includes a lot more than sex).
  4. There are many posts here.

    Read. Read. Read.
    Post and contribute
    in the relationship areas, too.

    Meaningful posts
    Often get meaningful responses.
    (Not always:))

    That’s how you’ll get to Carnegie Hall.

    Since I’m not a Monk,
    in spite of my name,
    I couldn’t go full Monk Mode
    for long with Karezza.

    Maybe now after a year,
    I might do a reboot.
    You remind me
    that it might be a good idea.

    Interesting writing you posted:
    “श्रीभगवानुवाच |
    कुतस्त्वा कश्मलमिदं विषमे समुपस्थितम् |
    अनार्यजुष्टमस्वर्ग्यमकीर्तिकरमर्जुन || 2||”

    What does this mean again?
    Pranav1486 likes this.
  5. Pranav1486

    Pranav1486 Fapstronaut

    thank you guys, I should read more blogs and Geeta. As I am brahmin Hindu by birth (Hindu priest may be only by birth); I should devote life for knowledge :)
    I have started no O in sex, but I have to stop watching movies with possible nudity and so on.

    Hi Trappist, What is your real first name? Is it mean monk?
    Mine is Pranav which means opposite or who wins pranay/sex. It also means Omm, omkar, one of lord Ganesha's name. That I am proud and I should be worthy to take name like it.
    u376 likes this.
  6. Thanks for link!

    Trappist is a Cistercian Monk
    Who follow the rule of St Benedict.

    They follow strict rules
    and I thought it would be
    Inspirational to ally
    with aspects of their focus.

    I am just a fallen civilian.
    Pranav1486 likes this.
  7. Pranav1486

    Pranav1486 Fapstronaut

    You are not a fallen civilian, may be you are thinking rule of St Benedict's too strict that you did not/cant follow. Our minds are faster than speed of light. We have to control horses of our mind with NoFap :) and focusing on NOW.
    Interesting book:
    The power of Now
    by eckhart tolle
    The book is difficult for me to ready, but I found following abstract, Power of Now.pdf

    My apologies, I heard Trappist name first time.
  8. Tolle is good.
    My sponsor started
    me on that,
  9. I did it, so, yes, it is very possible. I recommend it, if she is on board.
    Pranav1486 likes this.