MMA: fighting my way through life

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by margun, Mar 31, 2018.

  1. margun

    margun Fapstronaut

    Hey guys. I always enjoyed training, but im thinking about starting With a fighting sport . MMA. Does anyone here how any experience With this or boxing ? I need some tips on how to get started
  2. margun

    margun Fapstronaut

    Yes, but im thinking of learning the basics on my own . Im poor at the moment . Guess i will learn punching and kicking first .
  3. Timeon

    Timeon Fapstronaut

    Learning from youtube is completely different than going to class. I know when I first started, I have watched every UFC since since UFC 1 and watched some BJJ videos online for over 15+ years. I thought I knew some moves, but boy was I wrong. It taught me discipline, and to be humble.
  4. margun

    margun Fapstronaut

    Yeah, i want to start at a club when i serve in the army next year. But i cant afford it right now. I Just need to learn the basics
  5. SnakeAndApple

    SnakeAndApple Fapstronaut

    I would say you're more likely to just develop muscle memory to bad technique. You're much better to start fully fresh at a gym. I don't believe you can teach yourself from Youtube, especially as a beginner.

    Why don't you just do body weight exercises, or cardio. Strength and cardio will both be very useful if you can develop these before you eventually do start training.
  6. Yep, YouTube lessons can bring you more harm, mostly because of the muscle memory mentioned above. Plus, as a complete beginner you won't be able to tell which lesson is taught by an expert. YouTube videos are better suited for people with experience, who can take from them what is right and leave what is wrong. Aren't there groups you can afford joining?