Mineral Healing and Treatment

Discussion in 'Nutrition and Supplements' started by LeifHaugen, Jul 17, 2022.

  1. LeifHaugen

    LeifHaugen Fapstronaut

    I have struggled with porn from like 12 years old (31 now) and I have watched as my addiction has gotten worse and worse. Like a drug, I needed a bigger hit, I needed more. I watched as my addiction spiraled out of my control, and knowing I needed to fix it I never would. One more session, then I work on quitting but I just never could. I believe in natural medicine, so I thought maybe there was something out there that could provide a cure, and I was right. Now this varies from person to person I would assume, Im not a doctor nor a researcher but I think it is worth a shot for anyone looking to cure their addiction. I stumbled on this by accident, I had found a mineral product I was willing to try called ORMUS (Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements) for a different reason than porn, and I had no idea it would help with my porn addiction. ORMUS is a concentrated form of certain minerals, the product I took had around a dozen minerals like gold, silver, copper, palladium in their mineral form not metallic (metallic consumption is very dangerous) I have always been a horny ass guy, commonly masterbating 5-6x a day, I could go back to back which of course did not do me any favors. After the second day of taking this I noticed that I had not felt the need or desire to watch porn, and after a month I also still felt this way. A friend started taking this and also reported the same thing. At one point though we relapsed and then after that point neither of us had success with nofap again using ORMUS. So for awhile I had gotten off of ORMUS, but then I found out that most people are deficient in many minerals, one of them being magnesium. Around 80% of US citizens are deficient in minerals, and so I found a herb called burdock root that contains all 102 essential minerals, and upon taking this I noticed once again I did not struggle with porn addiction and masterbation. I still would get hard, and think about sex but it was not overwhelming, nor did I feel the need to release. Minerals play a big role in your overall health. You will feel happier, more energetic, overall health will be better. When you masterbate you lose 5mg of zinc and the daily recommended dose you need is 11-14mg. A zinc deficiency is very bad for your health it causes impaired immune function, hair loss, delayed wound healing, tiredness, ED, loss in testosterone levels, etc. Zinc deficiency can also lead to a copper deficiency which can lead to fatigue and weakness, frequent sickness, brittle bones, memory problems, walking difficulties, cold sensitivity, and pale skin.

    What porn does is it targets your dopamine neurotransmitters in your brain, like crack/cocaine it increases a release of dopamine into the body. This is the rush that people crave, but also what makes people addicted. The brain on porn looks worse than a brain on cocaine. Well it turns out that the neurotransmitters in the brain are dependent on magnesium. A person with healthy levels of magnesium are going to be more resistant to cocaine/porn because I suppose the way I understand it is those transmitters are almost being comforted by the magnesium. If you have low levels of magnesium then you will seek out that enjoyment through other means, in this case porn. Understanding brain function and porn is a very complicated subject, so I'm only going to talk about my experience using minerals. Since using minerals I feel much more energetic, I sleep better, I'm much happier all in a very clean way. Day to day life just operates much more smoothly. I think because I'm happier Im not dependent on false enjoyment practices which in this case is porn.

    Im not saying that you wont have any struggles by using mineral treatment (mineral treatment is just my term for it) but I've found that the battle against porn and sexual urges are much easier to combat. Of course this will involve a much deeper analysis as time goes on. I do think we have the ability to reverse the damage through our own thought and through physical health in particular brain health. For all the guys who are suffering from fetish porn who want to reverse their fetish, mineral treatment works but its only half of the job. Being able to control the urges is a major gift, but that being said you will have to work on not ever returning to those thoughts. You will have to completely divest from porn. From my research the only way to reverse a fetish is by not doing it/watching porn and masterbating to it but it can be done. When you masterbate to something you are enabling those perversions and sooner or later you will need a bigger hit of it, and itll morph into something worse than before. I suppose I am going to try to see if I can use a reversing technique, since fetishes are taught over time, perhaps we can also reteach ourselves into very normal sexual experiences. For instance, my fetish was very hardcore straight porn. It went from being soft stuff in my teens to becoming hardcore degrading women porn that started in my early 20s. So my theory is without using porn, if I could potentially normalize myself with thoughts of regular non aggressive fantasies of just regular sex.

    As a disclaimer I am not doctor or a scientist. I recommend you consult with your doctor before using any supplements.
    Icewarrior and Long Range like this.
  2. Long Range

    Long Range Fapstronaut

    Interesting post. I am going to try magnesium supplementation. The burdock root tea looks very good too.

    Apparently vitamin B12 is also very important and can also be depleted by PMO.
    LeifHaugen likes this.
  3. LeifHaugen

    LeifHaugen Fapstronaut

    The only issue I have with magnesium supplements is that a lot of the supplements use synthetic material to replace the natural material, and the body will reject this. There are good supplements though dont get me wrong but there are a lot of bad ones too. You are going to want to avoid any supplement that contains MAGNESIUM OXIDE. This type of magnesium the body has no use for, its the cheapest form of magnesium and also the most common within supplements. The forms of magnesium that have the highest bioavailability to the body are magnesium chloride, magnesium gluconate, magnesium threonate, magnesium citrate, and magnesium glycinate.

    However I am also a person that believes compounds worth together better alongside similar compounds. This is also why I recommend getting something that contains all essential minerals, this is why I recommended the burdock root because it contains everything that you need on a daily basis which will improve your overall health, neuro health. I also take wheatgrass powder every morning too, because it contains a complete profile of vitamins. You can use moringa powder as well, this also contains all the vitamins. So the first thing that I wake up and do is get all my vitamins and minerals from completely natural sources. Multi vitamin supplements I have the same problem with as I do with other supplements, most of it is garbage. The wheatgrass powder contains not only vitamins but itll give you a second dose of certain minerals.

    Im not a doctor, but I this has worked very well for me, I was actually very comfortable with starting to use a natural testosterone booster, I am using tongkat ali since I am working on building some muscle. My issues have been minimal with some sexual thoughts flowing through my head throughout the day but no desire to release. Some great options are of course burdock root, but also Irish sea moss, Purple sea moss, Shilajit to get all your minerals and see how that works and then move onto adding in an additional mag. supplement.

    The last thing I am doing every night is listening to a recording of myself before I sleep for an hour. In my recording I say that I am not a woman abuser, I treat women with respect etc. I say this because my porn issue was some borderline rape shit. Part of the addiction getting worse is convincing yourself by watching and thinking about the fetish and of course the more you do it the worse it becomes. So also I think suggestion could reverse that fetish and this will be way more effective if you are not actively engaging in the porn. I have a cousin who was said that he became gay from suggestion, his brother called him gay often and so much that he actually became gay later on. There is power in suggestion, so its important we utilize this is a positive way.

    Sorry I didnt respond sooner, hopefully you havent gotten the wrong type of magnesium :/
    Long Range likes this.
  4. Long Range

    Long Range Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the information. I'm currently on vacation, but when I get back home in a week or so I plan to get some magnesium and try it out, and I'll look for the types you recommend:)
  5. metreveli92

    metreveli92 Fapstronaut

    if you can tell me What does PMO mean?
  6. metreveli92

    metreveli92 Fapstronaut

    Hello, please help me and advise me. I searched the internet for ormus and there are many names. Which one did you take and how did you take it? tell me . How many drops a day? How did you mix it with water? thanks
  7. LeifHaugen

    LeifHaugen Fapstronaut

    First all PMO is an abbreviation that stands for porn, masterbation, and orgasm. Secondly, I recommend Etsy for Ormus, theres lots of sketchy companies out there online that either charge too much, or are scammers. Etsy will protect your purchase plus you can scroll through reviews and see how others like the product. Go to etsy and type in "Ultimate Ormus Extreme Potency" the store name is Royal Ormus. I havent had too many variations of Ormus, this is one that I trust based on my own experience, and this is the one that initally took that helped me stop PMO. It has around 10 different minerals, rather than just a focus on Gold. He will send you instructions on how to do it, but I'll tell you what I do. I take a tablespoon of it, and put in into distilled water. Its very important to use good water, we know that some of the chemicals inside tap water are neurotoxic like fluoride, aluminum etc. Distilled water is the cleanest form of drinkable water, so for the best results especially because minerals repair the brain, you should use what isnt going to be counterproductive it makes a different I feel in the healing process. And thats it, then I drink it. The other benefit is itll give you a lot of energy, especially if you are deficient in minerals you will notice a big difference daily. This will help you do other things with your free time which will help keep you away from those temptations.
    metreveli92 likes this.
  8. If I were to relapse or wet dream I take vitamins but vitamins could be easily pissed out with no benefit to the body. I usually turn to bananas, leafy greens, fish, beef, poultry and especially pistachios or walnuts or peanuts. Those have alot of minerals like copper, zinc, and magnesium, all required for healthy sperm. Usually, if the relapse is bad, I recover in at least 4-5 days with a more balanced diet like that.
    LeifHaugen likes this.
  9. metreveli92

    metreveli92 Fapstronaut

    Thank you very much for your help friend
  10. metreveli92

    metreveli92 Fapstronaut

    Thank you very much ✊
  11. Ajar

    Ajar Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Damn, cool post. For Magnesium, go for the Magnesium Bisglycinate. Its basically magnesium paired with two glycine, which are actually a pretty good antioxidant, helps you sleep too. Magnesium Citrate(most popular, sold as "Calm") actually has a laxative effect, so theres that. Never really tried this ORMUS thing, very interested actually. It would make sense why Magnesium is so effective, its because it works on over 300+ enzymatic reactions in the body. Your body literally needs this stuff. Not only that, but its also a very good indicator of bone health. Lower Mg will actually mean lower bone density. Patients with Hypertension, Diabetes, Metabolic syndrome generally have lower amounts of Magnesium in general.