MGTOW Challenge?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by johnnybgoode, Aug 17, 2019.

  1. johnnybgoode

    johnnybgoode Fapstronaut

    Hey guys,

    after I was really down yesterday, I asked for help and some guy introduced me to MGTOW by Sandman on youtube.

    It felt like very releasing somehow. After I heard some stuff I went to the sauna, took some time for myself. I realised that this is one of the biggest issues in my life, which is preventing me to get free, looking for women attention and approval.

    I align my life till now basically just to be liked by a "real" woman one day and never care about my own goals and what I really want to have and do in life.

    Yesterday I decided to quit my job as a kindergarten teacher, because I realised this is just something I started because I had no self-esteem to do something else, my mom told me I got a good connection to kids and I didn't know what to else to do. But continue doing it is killing my self, especially because in the circumstances you have to work with kids (way too tight rooms, bad salary, mainly just women as colleagues).

    Since a couple of weeks I'm planning to study HR and next week I will have the admission test for the university. I trust in my self that I can do it.

    I know I shouldn't rely on MGTOW 100 percent, I believe this is also some spot for men who have given up entirely, but I feel like for me it could be really beneficial for some time not to give any fuck about women for some time, just to concentrate on myself to get stronger and more self-confident. I feel like doing NoPMO was the first important thing to get to this point.

    After I could let it go yesterday, at least for some hours, I was able to feel the love for my sisters first time since a very long time. I'm not trying to hate women, I know that wouldn't be good and isn't what Jesus Christ wants from me. But I think its really important not to give myself to the things I'm told by society what kind of man a woman wants, because obviously most women don't know what they really want.

    So whats your opinion about MGTOW and adding kind of a MGTOW challenge (like at least for 90days) not trying to give women any more attention then necessary - but still acting respectful in regards to their human being?

    Looking forward for some posts.
  2. properWood

    properWood Fapstronaut

    You're kind of on the right track, but it is a fad.

    Most men seek approval and validation from women because they didn't receive it from their own mothers in the quantity the needed it in their first years on this planet. That is hurtful and as children we figured that asking for love will not come by, so no need to seek mother's attention anymore. That is when the subconscious is born, with the first repressed emotion. That is the most crippling emotion most of us feel nowadays and until we deal with it head on, as in experience the pain of being abandoned, rejected, nullified, we won't get respite; no woman will ever give you what your mother didn't give you.

    So, yes, you are the most important person to yourself now and you have to start taking care of yourself:
    - eat right*
    - sleep right
    - read right
    - think right
    - journal right

    *right as in "in a proper, nourishing way".

    Do that and you'll notice you actually don't NEED a woman.
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