Men get rejected multiple times before finding a stable relationship

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by nfpexperiment, Jul 12, 2022.

  1. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut

    Hi all,

    Just sharing some thoughts, so it seems this is the reality, men get rejected many times before finding stable girl friend, I think we men should just accept this as normal and not feel like a failure when women reject us or be afraid that we will be laughed at. All men experience this fact, most of them will not talk openly about this it seems. By realizing this is normal fact of life of rejection, all men experience this, maybe we men will be less afraid to approach women. Thing is as long we approach in a respectfull, respect her boundaries way, polite, dont force her to do anything, even when nervous it shouldnt be a problem. You will get rejected multiple times, keep developing yourself, mind, body appearance, improving your approaches, dont give up, there is no other way, one day you will succeed.
    It is simple, just go over and say hi, try to start a conversation, observe her reactions, if she seems uncomfortable, well say goodbeye and leave her alone. Well we need to practice to obtain this skill or mindset. There will always be some fear of the unknown, even if we have pure intentions towards her, still there is illogical fear.

    Last edited: Jul 12, 2022
  2. Viacheslav

    Viacheslav Fapstronaut

    You will not beleive it, but several days ago women laughed at me for not approaching them, so when you don't approach you can be laughed at too...Bitchy queens.
  3. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut

    Well then you know they are not worth to get to know them , with laugh I meant the bystanders, ok it is possible she will laugh, but then u know she is not worth it.