Meditation - good tip for rebooting

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by James Hunt, Jan 21, 2018.

  1. James Hunt

    James Hunt Fapstronaut

    Hi guys,

    I myself am rebooting from a porn addiction with various degrees of success. One thing that has really helped me is meditation.

    What is meditation? Meditation for me is basically just sitting in quiet with my eyes closed and focusing on my breathing only. I have used apps - there are loads out there.

    Why meditation? Anywhere you can relapse, you can meditate. I'll be sat at home doing work and I'll have super urges, my mind is just thinking about porn constantly. I will do ten minutes of meditation and just ten minutes of not thinking about porn seems to temporarily remove it from my mind. When I get another urge later on I do the same thing. It works for me!!!

    I hope this helps some people out there, good luck everybody,

    love and peace,

    TheColors likes this.
  2. dragonslayer

    dragonslayer Fapstronaut

    Brother..You got an awesome tool that will not just help you with nofap but also being in control of your thoughts and emotions.

    These days, I am using this app, headspace to meditate, so that I have a daily routine and let me tell you, it has changed my life for good. I am much more calm and stable through this nofap unlike other times, when the urges used to over-power me.

    Also, I am much more aware of my thoughts and can easily avoid negative thoughts and get over negative emotions like anger, frustration in shorter time.

    Keep practicing meditation and it will be one useful habit to make your life better.

    James Hunt likes this.