Maybe suicide is the best choice.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Moatasem, Feb 27, 2021.

  1. Moatasem

    Moatasem Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, I wrote on this forum a few times before about my ongoing PMO addiction, it's been almost 2 years since I have this addiction and I turned 15 a few months ago, I find this extremely disheartening that I haven't quit, and this is my first year of high school, I have enormous amounts of unfinished schoolwork and assignments, and many final exams, and I don't keep up with school anymore... I'm close to finishing high school, but still I was mediocre in this year, and my parents shout at me for not doing my homework and not doing good at school, I eat a lot, I love sleeping in the morning and waking up at night, but now I've fixed my sleep habit, and sleep in the night and wake up at morning, and gosh... My life could've not been much worse, every time I wake up in the goddamn morning, I feel fucking depressed and useless, and I'm shifting away from being religious, I'm now agnostic, nihilistic, depressed and way more doomeristic. All of this because of my fucking PMO addiction, I tried hanging myself yesterday and I was ready to die, and last year I tried to kill myself with a knife in the bathroom, every time I have a suicidal tendency, I give myself another chance to quit, what could I do else? I've tried a tremendous sea of strategies and techniques, advice and methods to quit, and still to this day I'm stuck in this hellhole. Can anyone offer advice? Because at this point of my life I'm fucked up and I wanna jump off a bridge, idc what anybody or society thinks about me or what my family will feel after I die.
    Aspect_16 and Learn to fly again like this.
  2. Cause... Living is for the ones that are truly strong. Yes it takes balls to hang yourself, but is it worth it? I think no.
    Fuck school. I was horrible in school. Worst of the worst - but still - I don't care. I have a normal job, I'm looking for myself in life. I'm working out, I'm working on hobies - I'm just moving and not giving a fuck.
    School is USELESS. Not you, but the school. The society, the stinky fucking society. Just move away from it. Not in a sense that you begin living in forest - nope - just don't give a slightest shit about those retards who waste their lives taking those lives too serious and taking things that SHOULD be taken SERIOUSLY actually as a joke.
    Fuck them. You are who you are and noone is going to take that away from you. If you have to - workout. If you have to - watch Naruto. If you have to - meditate, do yoga - do something!
    You are far stronger than you think. I used to be pretty damn depressed as a 15 year old too but I knew - it's gonna be alright. And you know what? 6 years later - it is!
    I started quitting porn when I was 19. So... Yeah, almost a year was hell. And that's just for me! There are people who are struggling with it for longer but they dont give up.
    Remember, after night always comes the day. Yes, it might not be too easy for you to quit - but YOU WILL, if you WON'T EVER GIVE UP!
    And on top of it all...
    You want to die as a porn addict?
  3. Moatasem

    Moatasem Fapstronaut

    Advice was great except I relied on motivation and willpower many times to quit, but idk why it doesn't work, anyway most of your advice was fucking solid, especially the part where you said you don't care about school and still have a job made me feel relieved, I wish there was advice like this, thank you m8!
    Edit: Forget to add sth, idk if that happens with other countries, but I think you're only able to work after dropping out of high school immediately in western countries and stuff, but like I'm not american, so idk if it's possible to get a job after high school immediately, plus in my country whoever drops out of high school my brother told me that they go the military for two years.
    Learn to fly again likes this.
  4. Uriichi

    Uriichi Fapstronaut

    My advice is to relax, bro your only 15, at that age my hormones were going crazy anything and everything triggered me. The fact your were 13 when u decided to make the change and do nofap is a tremendous goal, your already ahead of the game its just gonna take time for the inner horny child in your body to calm down so you can actually fully achieve your goals of nofap, stay strong suicide is never the option, I was in your shoes, you have tons to live for and think of the people that care about you if you did anything, keep a positive outlook talk to people, keep busy.
    goodnice 2.0 and Moatasem like this.
  5. The Archangel

    The Archangel Fapstronaut

    I was unofficially doing nofap when I was 13-15 (started fapping at 13) and I felt really upset too because I could barely make it past 5 days (Even now I struggle, but not as much). I use to heavily rely on nofap to be productive, happy and positive and would feel depressed whenever I relapsed - feeling anxious around people, put no effort into school work, becoming scared of girls, being overly emotional and aggressive, etc. Try to see nofap as only an exercise for willpower and nothing else, don't associate nofap with other parts of your life because it can seriously make you miserable. Nofap's also a lot harder at your age because your hormones are raging and your testosterone is through the roof. Had I thought PMO was normal like the rest of my peers, I reckon I would've had a much better time during high school. I've had attractive girls give me their numbers and stuff, and I rejected them/ignored them because I was so insecure about myself - because of my constantly shitty nofap streak. I'm not telling you to happily jerk off. In fact, try your hardest to hit 90 days and beyond, just don't beat yourself up if you relapse because from my countless experiences, I can tell you that it's very unhealthy. Put nofap in the same level as say, having a cold shower - very helpful, but not necessary.
  6. theMotivator

    theMotivator Fapstronaut

    You would regret suicide 100x more than anything in your life. Keep on trying. I got addicted when I was 12 and couldn't stop P until 17, and then for 3 years I really struggled to stop Ming, now I'm free from it, but if I don't guard myself, I feel like I'm sliding back.
    Moatasem likes this.
  7. Moatasem

    Moatasem Fapstronaut

    At the age 15 y.o, I've never heard many who've quit at the teenage years, rather they quit when they're in their 20s, you're right, maybe I'm not really suicidal, I'm just being melodramatic about my situation and I need to chill because I'm still young at 15 year old and it's normal for someone like me to be addicted to this shit at 15 because of the hormones, puberty etc. I'm going to keep on going with NoFap for a few more years, and I'm sure it will work, I'm just impatient, it's only been two years, a lot of porn addicts take many years to quit. Thanks man...
    Uriichi likes this.
  8. Moatasem

    Moatasem Fapstronaut

    Yeah man, couldn't agree more with what you to said. Finally found someone else similar to my situation in life, which is you, I keep using NoFap as an excuse for the other aspects in my life, but I've never had the mindset to narrow only NoFap on one thing which is willpower and nothing else, idk if it will work, but maybe that's why some people say that they succeed NoFap with willpower, definitely going to try it mate, thanks bro!
  9. Moatasem

    Moatasem Fapstronaut

    That's 8 whole years of porn consumption, didn't expect that, srry but holy sh**, your story pumped a little dopamine in me and motivated me to keep trying to quit for the upcoming years, damn, thank you...:)
  10. theMotivator

    theMotivator Fapstronaut

    No P = 17-12 = 5 years. Last 3 years I just M'd without looking at anything.
    Moatasem likes this.
  11. Moatasem

    Moatasem Fapstronaut

    Yeah, but didn't you have your technological devices and stuff?!
  12. theMotivator

    theMotivator Fapstronaut

    I did, but with G-d's help (I really desperately said to G-d, that I'm tired from all of this and don't want it anymore and asked for help), and I stopped watching P the next day and never watched it again since!!!

    In my stupidity, I returned to M-ing, because I believed those stupid tales, that you have to release seed periodically, to be healthy. If I wouldn't have believed that, I would be free also from Ming when I was 17. I started the "Once a month" method, and after 3 months I was already doing it once a week, and then I realized, that I'm addicted again. It took me another 3 years to get free from Ming afterward, but I never returned back to watching P, thanks to G-d...

    But quitting M for me was as hard as trying to escape Lion's jaw. When I was reaching days 10 - 15, I just couldn't control myself and started to M. But I somehow (after 3 years of trying) stopped in the middle of Ming and ran out. And I did that couple of times, and when I reached days 20~ I already was much freer, and so I started this streak that I have now (MO)
    Moatasem likes this.
  13. Aspect_16

    Aspect_16 Fapstronaut

    Don't give up man, I'm 16 years old and I started PMO around the age of 13. It's been hell for me since then but this place really helped me out. You need to find something that makes you push pass your limits like I did. You can do it, I know you can
    P.S. Don't kill yourself bro, been there. This bs addiction isn't worth wasting your life over.:)
    Moatasem likes this.
  14. PanteriMauzer

    PanteriMauzer Fapstronaut

    Suicide is the ultimate defeat so have faith and dont quit
    Chris_Cactusblossom and Moatasem like this.
  15. By definition, he won't.
    Moatasem likes this.
  16. theMotivator

    theMotivator Fapstronaut

    That's what most people believe, but actually, after death, you only lose your body, and then you realize, what the truth is... and you can't go back anymore.
    Moatasem likes this.
  17. Slider8

    Slider8 Fapstronaut

    It may sound too simple but it works - every time you have an urge go out and find somebody who needs help, volunteer for some charity work, stop being concerned about yourself for a while and live a bit for others.Hope this will solve your problems.
    Moatasem likes this.
  18. Ah, a godly man.
    Moatasem likes this.
  19. theMotivator

    theMotivator Fapstronaut

    Well it's scientifically provable, so why deny reality :D I'm at least not saying, that G-d is a man or any of that nightmare.
    Moatasem likes this.
  20. I didn't say anything that would imply my stance on the matter, but it's interesting to see you call it reality.
    Moatasem likes this.