Masterbating problem

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Roselockhart, Oct 26, 2021.

  1. Roselockhart

    Roselockhart New Fapstronaut

    I’m 19 with a porn/masterbating addiction, I have a boyfriend who has has the same problem as well and he had just came clean to me about it. It upset me not gonna lie, it hurt me bad. Because I didn’t feel good enough But I can I really be too upset if I too struggle with the same thing? I don’t think I’m ever gonna tell him about this issue that I have, the thing is he’s never made me cum like ever I’ve always pretended like I had every time, I can really only make my self cum. I feel awful about this. We haven’t had sex in over a month. We went from having sex 3 times a day to once a week to nothing. I don’t know what to do. I feel bad I Really do, idk maybe I’m just a bad communicator I guess.
  2. Kurz

    Kurz Fapstronaut

    I think maybe you should tell him. He worries about it too, you know? And he just doesn't know what's going on...
    Maybe he still struggles with his addiction and you can battle this together.
    It will lift some weight off you as well.
  3. GentleMarine

    GentleMarine Fapstronaut

    First of all, welcome to the forums, @Roselockhart

    Whether you should tell him or not is up to you, but I think if you want to cultivate a healthy relationship with your partner, then you must be as honest as possible.

    If he cares about you, and you about him - and being subject to the same addiction - I'm sure you'll both help each other out of this situation.
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