Male Sexual Abuse Narratives

A support group for victims of childhood abuse

  1. So I hope this does not rub anyone the wrong way and I am sorry if it does, but me and another friend on here have been discussing ideas on creating a book that raises awareness on male sexual abuse and how it is not getting as much attention as it ought to. We were thinking of having people talk with us and write their stories and we compile together into a collection.

    If any guy that has been sexually abused is interested in helping with this project, please send me a message and let me know. I am not trying to be selfish and self-promote my idea, but rather, find people willing to be interviewed and documented so that their stories can be told. We can change names and/or have you be anonymous if you do not want your identities to be known.

    I hope this is okay to post and I am sorry if it breaks any rules.
  2. Brain-Police

    Brain-Police Fapstronaut

    Hey man, i know its been a while since you've posted this, but if you are still creating that book, i'll tell you some of my stories if you are still interested
    aspiringwriter1997 likes this.
  3. I've still thought about it. I'd be interested if you're willing to provide the narrative. You might be the first person who helps gets this project going.
    Brain-Police likes this.
  4. Brain-Police

    Brain-Police Fapstronaut

    Really? Well i will send you a pm when i come home today and tell you all about it
    aspiringwriter1997 likes this.
  5. Alright. I appreciate it.