Make the girl chase you! Manosphere wisdom from Darius.

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by brassknucks, Apr 22, 2021.

  1. brassknucks

    brassknucks Fapstronaut

  2. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut

    Unfortunatelly this is truth. Woman love a man that is after his purpose, goals and ambitions and not woman.
    She will work to get this kind of man, the man that are wanted by all woman. They are going to work for your attention and validation none stop because is scares.

    Nice guys give abundat of attention and validation to the woman they like so this woman have to do nothing to get it.. so she is not going to be naturally attracted to him, she is going to be attracted to the man that she likes but is no giving her attention and the validation she crave for. That's why bad boys, crazy guys and alpha guys are so succesfull with woman and nice guys (that do exactly what movies teach them to do) always get rejected, cheatead on or taken for granted.

    I was on the nice guy side and eventually turned into the alpha type... my interaction with woman was decent back then because i'm in good shape and I'm kind of good looking, but it sky rocketed when I stoped been the nice guy. Work on yourselves and eventually there are going to be woman happy to work to get your attention and validation. That's the best relationships you are going to enjoy.
  3. brassknucks

    brassknucks Fapstronaut

    In the early stages of dating, most guys invest way too much in the girl. I definitely made this mistake in the past, thats why it is best for guys to spin plates to prevent getting into that oneitis mentality.
    Rev2.0 likes this.
  4. becomingreat

    becomingreat Fapstronaut

    Hi, I'd like to know what you've done to exit nice guy territory. Was it reading books? was it continuing nofap? did it change gradually or was it a sudden change in mindset?
  5. Why “unfortunately”? If women want men that are after their purpose, then you’ve got extra motivation to go after your purpose. That’s a good thing.
  6. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut

    I meant that is unfortunate that the "nice guy" approach never worked and never will.

    Reading books was the most important thing. Reading the rigth books are going to make you start to work on yourself to change and become your best version.

    NoFap is one of many changes that need to happen. But is not the only one or something mandatory, is just one of a bunch of aspect in life you need to change to become your best version.

    In may case it took me 3 years of hard work. From the very low to the very top version of myself.
    Once you are at your pick your mentality is totally diferent from were you were back then and is reflexted in everything you do and say. People can tell the difference.
  7. I gathered that. I just don't think its that unfortunate.
  8. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut

    Unfortunate for the guys (me included back then) that were raised to be a nice guy by family, media and movies, supposing that you should behave that way to be succesfull in life and be more attractive to woman.

    I have male friends like this that are really struggling in relationships and they keep ignoring the fact that they are too much of a nice guy when the really like a woman. I try to open up their minds but they are so attached to their nice guy approach that is so hard for them to listen to me and try to be more alpha.

    Been a nice guy is not bad (is a lot better than been a jerk or abusive or manipulator), in fact you are treating a woman really good but it just doesn't work, jerks, abusive and manipulator guys get more girls than the nice guys. That's why I think is unfortunate.
  9. Metis07

    Metis07 Fapstronaut

    It depends if you are really 'nice' or just pretending to be nice in order to get smth from it (being accepted, loved etc.) or not to get into trouble (like in childhood 'be nice boy/girl'). Second variant is everywhere, probably in 99% of people (for smb more, for smb less) and it is more sort of hypocrisy than being nice.
    Really being 'nice' is very rare and it is golden.
  10. Woman are not looking for it guys with no money and no goal in life other than wasting it on games all day and night
  11. brassknucks

    brassknucks Fapstronaut

    Yes, but that’s the Beta side of her Hypergamy, Beta bucks. She looks for a betamale provider once her looks can no longer attract an Alpha male.

    Two sides of Hypergamy- “Alpha fucks, beta bucks”. Rarely is one man both.
  12. brassknucks

    brassknucks Fapstronaut

    Read volume one of The Rational Male if you don’t understand. Get educated gentlemen.
  13. WotansVolk

    WotansVolk Fapstronaut

    It is all about becoming an independent man who relies only on himself for his happiness and success, thereby focusing on his goals and dreams. Bonding and becoming dependent on another person is a female quality, and this is exactly what the "nice guy" does. He is looking for a woman to be his unshakable mountain in life where he can find emotional safety, but its supposed to be the other way around!

    The alfa male is just like this, he is the unshakable mountain. No woman or man can get him to sway from his purpose and mission in life. He does not need a woman in his life to be happy. He ofcourse likes women both physically and spiritually but he is not dependent on them.

    Actively searching for and trying to get into a committed relationship with a woman is female behavior. A man does not concern himself with this. He is to busy working on realising his goals and dreams, but he is ofcourse open to meeting women and having a good time, but thats it.

    To be a man is emotional and material independence. A woman wants a man so if you as a man want a woman you must also act like a man and stop being a wuss. Only YOU can create the happiness and emotional safety which you are searching for. Rely only on yourself.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2021