Made it to 30 days!! Questions about reboot

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Joe85, Apr 3, 2017.

  1. Joe85

    Joe85 Fapstronaut

    Hi Fapstronauts,

    Tomorrow is a major milestone for me- 30 days without PMO. I can't believe I've made it this far. I don't think I've gone this long without porn in about 7 years. This definitely isn't my first attempt, usually I could make it a week or two if I was lucky, but an entire month always seemed to elude me. On one hand I'm excited, on the other it hasn't really gone like I thought it would. I wanted to get your feedback and hear from you who have done this longer than me.

    I was expecting to feel differently. I haven't really noticed any changes in my mental alertness or my interactions with other people, specifically girls. I was hoping that these "superpowers" everyone talks about would manifest themselves. Also, I haven't had any wet dreams or even gotten morning wood. I don't get spontaneous erections or anything like that. Is that normal? Do the physical and mental aspects come later? Have I simply not been doing it long enough?

    When people talk about a flatline, is that what they mean? It doesn't feel like I've gone into a downward spiral or a flatline, it just seems like nothing has changed. When did everyone start to notice changes, either positive or negative?

    Thanks in advance! Sending lots of positive vibes to all of you in your reboots!
  2. J247

    J247 Fapstronaut

    I look forward to hearing other peoples' responses as well. I'm day 25(?), and am not feeling anything special about it. Doubt something magical will happen when I approach 30.

    How have you been otherwise? Have any acne clear up? Hair feeling better?

    Me personally I don't have any of those spontaneous erections either.
    Ghost_Rider likes this.
  3. Ghost_Rider

    Ghost_Rider Fapstronaut

    Patience is the key in rebooting.
    Read few success stories, how guys thought after 70-80 days that nothing is happening and BOOM they are cured.
    You just have to be patient because your brain is rewiring, when the building is under construction, you don't live there.
    But when its built, it becomes home
    Your brain is building right now, its under construction, let it take it's time,
    Just have patience and trust the process .
    Marr likes this.
  4. Fap 5 Freddy

    Fap 5 Freddy Fapstronaut

    I think the "superpowers" thing is quite likely a fantasy, and possibly not a very mature one. You have made it to 30 days. Enjoy that excitement and continue. It's not a competition or a lottery where you suddenly win a big prize. 30 days seemed like an impossibility to me only a couple of months ago. It's now on my horizon and seems achievable. But I don't expect to be "cured" or have any superpowers after 30 days. It's about finding a pattern of behaviour that is healthy and that you are comfortable with. PMO is very much like an addiction. Alcoholics and drug addicts don't tend to claim that they have superpowers when they have stopped for a month. I'm not sure why so many porn users do. Alcoholics and drug addicts tend to be thankful for every day they are clean.
    Try keeping a journal of how you are feeling. I've been doing that off and on for over a year. When I first started here on nofap I felt terribly depressed, I felt like I had no control over my habits, I found thinking positively about my situation was next to impossible - 18 months ago I described myself as "a train wreck ready to happen". I don't feel like that anymore. I'm still struggling, but my situation seems more clear to me, I understand much better what some of the issues were that I had that would compel me to watch porn, and so now I feel much more in control of that compulsion. I've relapsed several times, but after all this time I feel a bit more confident that I can do this. It's not a superpower, but I prefer how I feel now when I compare it to how I was feeling when I started. I think I probably prefer it to a superpower. Remember, superheroes tend to have to hide their superpowers from the public. I don't want to have anything to hide anymore. I spent enough time hiding my porn use. And superheroes would sometimes have their powers taken away - I'm not aiming to be someone with godlike superpowers, I want stability and a general sense of happiness and well being. That will come gradually. t's going to take some time. Enjoy your milestone. Don't worry about magic. Just continue to take care of yourself.