Low-level trick to do the job

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by frogs' union, Mar 10, 2020.

  1. frogs' union

    frogs' union Fapstronaut

    Choose an event or a day that simply happens very rarely. For example, 29Feb. Say it to yourself that you are able to do whatever you want related to PMFO that day, whether to open porn sites all 24h or fap 19 times or fuck many ***** at once. But until that day, you will save it for yourself.

    The trick helps by putting the heavy load off your mind, making abstaining easier by promising a super big reward far away. Chances are, by the time that day comes, you'll master yourself and deny those rewards already.

    I chose 29Feb this year, and so far so good. I don't really "feel" better, because it displays with evidence already. Just a year or 2 ago, my usual push-up limit was 60. Very recently it was 90. On 9Mar I jumped straight 6 in a row to 96. And guess what, yesterday I managed to push-it-up to 100!! I'm breaking the 3-digit limit!
    May just be a coincidence, but do you really think so?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2020