Losing control of my life

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by dustie, Sep 4, 2018.

  1. dustie

    dustie Fapstronaut

    First things first, I don't feel fine about myself and lately I am losing control over my life. That's how I feel like right now.
    Although, I've had good streak of almost 2 weeks with nofap and I felt good, maintained good habits etc. Lately I relapsed and it only gets worse, I can't get over myself and start doing the things I want to do, I mean let's say I've got some ambitious goals but it's like I have no energy to do anything but to play vidya, drink beer or watch stupid videos on the internet.
    I'm getting discouraged when something's not going how it should be, I've had one failure in life lately and instead getting it on my chest on just move on with life I began my downfall. Bad habits like escapism to vidya, alcohol (I must mention that every time I go out I'm drinking too much in my opinion), procrastination or gaining weight.
    It all feels like I've lost control and I'm just going with waves which leads me to easiest things to do (like bad habits mentioned before) and I end up feeling bad or depressed about myself.
    The main problem is I have no real obligations in my life, my last half of a year I would describe as a "break in my life" - that means I was doing whatever I wanted, sometimes being productive but most of the times not. Not thinking about my future seriously.
  2. Address007

    Address007 Fapstronaut

    Hey man, stick with it. You'll get through this phase.
    I'm in a similar situation where I have great ideas but I'm too lazy to pursue them. At end of day, it's up to you if you want to change your life or not. And if you do, then you need discipline and willpower. Good luck
  3. Then change it! Losing control? - Grab it back! simple as that! :)

    Firstly, you have written about some failure that started your downward spiral - analyze it. Analyze your emotions, ideas and opinions about it. Probably you are to attached to that, let it define you or something similar.

    There is one moment when you gave up control - because when you don't have some mental condition needed treatment by the psychiatrist (and you don't!) you CAN'T lose control. You are just lazy and getting back to your old patterns and habits! So - get hyped again, visualize, get that great feeling you will achieve your goals. And create tremendous goals! Those that give you energy, power. You can do it and have done it - so, do it once again!
  4. signmeup

    signmeup Fapstronaut

    Hi Dustin,

    Thanks for sharing.

    Mate I’ve been struggling and it doesn’t seem to get any easier... but I’ve gotta believe that without challenges nothing worthwhile is achieved.

    You don’t gain muscle just wishing, you have to put in effort, effort that may show little result at first but before you know it someone says, ‘hey man you’re looking ripped’

    I’m pretty sure no-one’s going to say, ‘woah man have you stopped watching porn’ but the change will manifest somewhere in your life.

    Anyway, hope you get some focus in your life which will lead to worthwhile goals that matter to you.

  5. It always hurts a lot after a relapse, but know that you aren't doomed to have this addiction eternally. I noticed you mentioning about not having energy to pursue your goals. One thing that popped up to my mind as a possibility is, that perhaps you have been chasing these dreams without breaks, without resting? From my own experience i know that overworking and overdoing easily leads to a point where it is nearly impossible to just enjoy life overall. And of course humans want to feel good.

    In my opinion, it could be better choice to explore and experience your emotions, rather than stress about your goals. I'm not saying forget them completely, although that might be required, just give more time and space for yourself to have those feelings be resolved. It is better and even more efficient to do things with clearer mind.
  6. Just calm down ur mind bro ourr mostly problem coz of pmo.Well spending time in nature is a good idea.Plus do some walking.Also dont take ny stress.Coz stress only raise difficulty..