Looking for information

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Deleted Account, Nov 20, 2022.

  1. Alright I am day 30 soon but the catch is in January I am gonna move with a woman we probably wont have sex first thing but thats not important.
    This is a long distance friendship and we want to go next level because we talk for a long time and we know we fit together.
    I tried for past 3 years to quit pmo alone and I simply couldn't do it.
    She isn't the main reason, but is a pretty big one why I succeeded to reach 30 days, I want to get out of the loneliness and get real life achievements and the fact that I feel love is just too strong to relapse, I cant do it.
    By when I am gonna move I am gonna be already 90 days, by when sex is gonna happen even more. I am planning to tell her in last 10 years I havent touched a real woman and I only watched porn and its not her fault and I just need to recover more with her.
    I do get morning wood ever morning, or if she sends me stuff or the talks get heated, I also get hard and stays hard as long as I want. But I dont know if I can get hard by kissing or by her hand.
    My dick works fine physically I just wanna know after 90 days if its gonna react to her hand or teasing. This is what scares me a little.
    I am determined to not look at porn or any fantasies on internet for life. I wanna get a job, then a better job, get my master degree and have a family with her, and be volunteer to a child hospital, if I save enough money I also wanna make my own vineyard to relax on my free days as I love nature.
    What scares me if my dick will react to a real woman, I think 90 days is a long time and already porn flashes are weak I dont even care, my memory skips them when they appear. I know I cant be fully healed in 90 days but if I am gonna be busy enough after sex, the chaser effect wont happen and I am just gonna get used to real sex and accept it as something normal when it happens.
    What would be your experience? I get a little scared when I hear I need years to recover, I just am just looking to transition and I dont see her as a girlfriend or sex object, I just love her for the way she is, sex will be just a moment that I wont chase it daily, as we have a lot of other things to talk.
    And frankly I love my balls full, its like I am a big bull with big balls walking around. So I am looking forward to not empty my balls daily as I like this feeling and sex once a week or two will free great as I would feel as I would feel dominant as a man should feel.
  2. ShiftD

    ShiftD Fapstronaut

    Hi man, I think it will be okay because porn flashes are very strong and if you can skip them and not focus, don't get horny after them kissing or touching will not be any problem. As you said you love her not because of sex and you probably won't think about anything sexual while with her. Always also you may better speak with her about your NoFap lifestyle, it will be better if you both do it.
  3. porn flashes are weak. Porn doesn't matter to me anymore, only if I want to remember on purpose, crawling memories arent as strong as in day 15 where I was nuked, laying in bed stunned, I literally sat in bed taking a beating. All my porn history was played in seconds over and over again. I couldn't stop it, even if I was doing other things. It was like a movie made by kubrick.
    I actually started to dream her instead because some of the talks and the fantasies I just stop by doing something else.
    She is in my life because of hours of talking all the things, I dont go to her for sex, I go to her to love her forever and never look again at other women.
    About nofap lifestyle.. there wont be porn involved but we wont do christian sex either and I wont masturbate at her pics or go to porn. I like to have heavy bull balls, and I wont empty myself around, I will wait for when it happens only with her.
    ShiftD likes this.
  4. ShiftD

    ShiftD Fapstronaut

    I had same thing today, I will make a thread about this. Mine was much more intensive and interesting, my most hard day
  5. I had a few intrusive thoughts right now and got an erection lol.
    Yea in this journey sometimes we cant be busy non stop, once the mind gets idle you are in the wrong alley and is hard to run away from people equipped with bats . You either take a beating or submit.
    Just let the thoughts come and go, you might think they are jerks of dopamine and its like a relapse but if you dont watch porn or masturbate you good, thats the goal, everything else will have to change. Some say cold showers, I dont do them cause my house is already cold and I might get sick.
    But definetely go get busy even if flashes are there on anything you do
  6. ShiftD

    ShiftD Fapstronaut

    Yea I agree, by the way I'm busy like all the day so I have these thoughts only at morning and before sleep
  7. Lucky you I am jobless so I had to get nuked like hell. Felt like an asylum, but the future I wanna start in the new year made me to just accept I am gonna lay down and take it like a man that fights for its cause.
    Make you are not manipulating yourself into teasing all day so the brain is expecting a reward, thats bad practice. Hit a gym after work, get a pet, go to a bar, dont leave work for an empty home, you will get in that idle mind alley where you get bullied
    ShiftD likes this.