Long Term 365 days+ NoFappers - Read this Thread

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Austin88, Sep 4, 2019.

  1. Austin88

    Austin88 Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone,

    I was super hardcore addicted to PMO for 2 years fapping everyday like 4 times a day and frying my dopamine receptors to more and more extreme p_rn_graphic content.

    Now here's the thing. I started NoFap like a year ago, relapsing, doing a streak, relapsing ad infinitum, till I got to 3 days without PMO but always relapse on the third day. So I have two questions. First, how do I get past 3 days? Then how do I reach 3 years of no PMO because that is how long it will take to fully recover (for me)?

    My biggest trigger is in the morning. I can't for the life of me get out of my bed. I keep my iPad and iPhone in my room to pass the time while I am taking my antidepressant tablets (can't swallow them so I suck on them). And while I am sitting there reading stuff on the Internet and it's really tempting - my brain is like oh how about you search this? Come on you have to find out what's new! And the thing is the stuff I look for isn't even conventional porn but more like fetish stuff that wouldn't get blocked by a porn filter. What would be your advice for my morning trigger? I'm thinking of moving the iPad and iPhone out of my bedroom. Maybe watch TV? Can't read a book as I'd fall asleep.

    Relapsing for me is very dangerous because if I give my brain an inch it will take a mile and get me to do its bidding and might possibly do something to myself that I would regret (risky s_xual practices).

    Do I get to 1 week, fap to what I want to condition myself to watch, then go to 2 weeks, fap, 3 weeks, fap, 4 weeks? E.g. I want to condition myself to my natural attraction which is my foot fetish that I've had since childhood. Or do I go the whole way as long as possible to 3 years? Basically any kind of progress I make will set me back a very long way if I relapse it's that bad. I'm literally sitting here typing this and my pulse is elevated and my brain is creating ways to get me to relapse as I ruminate because I have depression (which is taken care of and pretty manageable but symptoms can't completely be eliminated). I'm very proud of myself for reaching 72 hours without PMO and getting this far in my journey for recovery and I'm the kind of guy that has a lot of willpower so I can definitely reach the big 3 years of NoFap.

    What are the most important things I need to know to reach 3 years on a day to day basis?
  2. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

    Hello. I'm not really sure where you got this goal of 3 years. I think it would be better to concentrate on things one day at a time, with maybe being vaguely aware of longer goals such as a month or so. Setting a too-high goal may also be another cause of your relapsing - somewhere in your brain a voice maybe saying that 3 years is a long time away, so you may as well relapse now...
    Also, who's to say that a complete reboot for you would take 3 years? It may be more, it may be less. That's why it's not very useful to have such a long goal.
    With that being said,
    Really? Do you always fall asleep when reading? Maybe you just haven't found an interesting book yet? I suggest you try reading again, or listen to audio books. You can also try listening to podcasts. Who's to say TV won't trigger you?

    Good luck!
  3. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    I don't know where you heard 3 years. From neuroscience point of view you need "only" 35.6 weeks on average of complete abstinence for your brain to totally reboot.
    For the most extreme cases it took between 60 and 70 weeks of abstinence to fully recover. If this is true for long term alcohol and drug addicts (up to 25 years of addiction) if should be true to us compulsive PMO bingers too links to the brain scan study -> May 23, 2019 -> May 24, 2019

    I'd aim for 9 months of complete abstinence and see how you're doing then. But you shouldn't focus on abstaining alone, you should set daily, weekly and longer term goals you'd like to achieve and and focus your mind on them. That way it will be much easier to abstain from PMO too.

    1st moving away all electronic devices from your bedroom should be a no brainer. You'll sleep better and remove temptation.
    How go get out of bed? Do not negotiate with your brain! Use 5 second rule. 5-second rule book: The 5 Second Rule - Mel Robbins
    Self-discipline is uncomfortable. The brain is programmed to do what's comfortable for it. Neurological research have proved that if you want to accomplish anything uncomfortable, you have 5 seconds to accomplish that, before your brain will start to talk you out of it. For example: As soon as alarm goes off you need to jump straight out of bed -> Thursday at 5:28 PM

    Here are some my posts on a depression/anxiety and addiction recovery topic: Saturday at 11:10 PM / Sunday at 5:33 PM / Aug 23, 2019 /
    But most of all, never give up, just keep trying. Relapses are part of recovery journey -> Today at 1:59 AM
  4. shamrock19

    shamrock19 Fapstronaut

    Noway near the three year mark but ive done 12+ months prior to this and this streak i really feel invincible as naive as that may sound, id rather die than watch porn again, literally.

    In terms of implementing little tricks and restrictions such as placing phones in other rooms/filters etc, ive never really been one for them. For the sheer reason that they only are short terms fixes and once that desire for relapse is there, they are easily bypassed and bam relapse. They are paper mache defences at best.

    The thing that really works, for me any way, is truly understanding how bad this addiction is... understanding the damage that it has already caused, the relationships it has destroyed, the man you should of become and all the things you could be achieving but are not due to this addiction. Then envision what your life will look like in 5/10/20/40 years on with this addiction... all of the above, the loneliness, the disconnect with yourself and others, the complete emptiness of your life and the deadening weight of knowing what could of been in your one life, your precious life that you get one shot at. Then flip it, imagine what your life could look like when you beat this shit, the man you can become, the relationships you can have and the immense good you can do in this world for yourself and for others. Run wild with this shit because with a clear conscience, a healthy functioning brain, balanced hormones and all the behavioural benefits that go with this , all your dreams are possible.
    Finally, understand that the only thing standing in the way of these two lives is this affliction, and that it must be removed.
    One day you will hit a point where masturbating to porn will simply not be an option for you. No matter what the cost.
  5. Perfectly explained!
    I have completed 13 months just by relaxing in my room with phone almost every night. The temptations do come once in a while but I trained myself willpower to stay away from this poison called "pmo." Before that streak I used to fail but overtime I adjusted to it. I've changed the vpn on my pc multiple times back then. However It seemed it made things worse as I thought I was hiding myself some sort a secret. I tried to bullshit myself but I ended up eventually in the hands of pmo. So i stayed confronting the addiction and now here i am in the fight against pmo.
    shamrock19 and Fenix Rising like this.
  6. shamrock19

    shamrock19 Fapstronaut

    But one thing that is certain, this shit is not easy by any stretch of the imagination, I've never been one for religious ideology but one thing I feel i can say is that if the devil were to exist, this is one way in which he would manifest himself, anyone who doubts this, I hope you never have to go through it but the dark depths of paws will have you siding with me.
    For this reason, i think it's important to try and show yourself compassion/self love and all that kind of stuff, this is hard enough without you burdening yourself with self critiscism and what not. 'Warrior' is not some cliche that is bowled around on this forum without meaning for bro high fives and shit... This journey is a warriors path, that a lot of people on this planet would fold under. Not us.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2019
    Freeddom_Taker likes this.