Loner Wolf

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Ruben J. Soto, Nov 19, 2017.

  1. Anyone here’s a loner wolf or doesn’t like to be around with people’s or socialize at all? Why’s the problem people’s with loner wolf?Why the f did we did to you human?I generally curious cause where I live everyone got a problem with me being a loner wolf.
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  2. That's what I saw when I read your post
  3. Okay
  4. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    I prefer to be alone myself wherever I go. I feel anxious to talk to ppl (at stores, greeting people known and unknown, holding conversations..) I such at public gatherings...they make me so f nervous.
    Ruben J. Soto likes this.
  5. BrianHotshot

    BrianHotshot Fapstronaut

    There is nothing wrong with liking to be alone. Society just expects us to conform to their interests. I value my time spend alone. Actually, I need to be alone once in a while, as it allows me to do what I want to do without worrying about the interests of others. There shouldn't be shame in that.
    Ruben J. Soto likes this.
  6. Crash95

    Crash95 Fapstronaut

    I can understand you. In many situations I tend to be a lone wolf as well. Mostly because I`m not interested in many things that "normal" people bother. Like x got a new relationship with y, x is doing this and that, y wants to go to party x, blabla. I sense that most of the information people tell each other are completley irrelevant for me. I then think where`s the benefit in the information provided ( I always think a little bit economic in life, maybe sometimes to much ;))

    But If I meet someone who is interested in same topics like me and even seems to be more intelligent like me, I try to ask as many questions as I can to learn more. So maybe the problem for me is that I meet mostly people who I don`t want to meet. Or most people don`t think about the real important questions of the world (but maybe because most of them are pretty young as me) It`s also a thing on work if my coworkers have to tell me about what in their opinion "special thing" they did on the last weekend and I`m just like "can we just work?" (of course not saying it but thinking it)

    But maybe I`m just a guy who doesn`t understand all aspects of social interaction yet. I`m still young and willing to learn

    So for today Lone Wolf wooooahhhhhhhhhh.....
    avatarivn and Ruben J. Soto like this.
  7. avatarivn

    avatarivn Fapstronaut

    IMHO I am merely isolated, but a loner wolf needs to have the confidence of going out without the actual need to do so. I mean, I don't go out because I am anxious AF but I want to have the confidence to be on my own without caring about the haters so much.
    Ruben J. Soto likes this.
  8. Pretty much I have same thing, My anxious is f-d up when I get out of the house I really get anxiety a lot.
  9. Like many of you, I also am also an introvert and like being alone as well. The question is: are introverts born or made? I've had many of my friends say there are no born introverts--they are just unhealthy extroverts who have experienced rejection or some other problem. The word "introvert" they think was created to remove the social stigma. (It's very similar those who believe that gay people are not born--they are just straights who had issues and so went gay.)

    I remain undecided on the issue. Sometimes I feel I was born introvert, while other times I feel my childhood environment screwed with my head so much that I was forced to withdraw.
    Knighthawk and Ruben J. Soto like this.
  10. I am an introvert and I've always liked to spend time alone. But now after going through no P and no M (not as long as P) I am feeling more that I want to be more social. That maybe I've always wanted to be more social but there was something stopping me. As in me stopping myself, and I don't think P helped at all. Because then I didn't have to go outside. I thought that I didn't need as many people. That a couple of good friends was enough. It might be enough for some, but not for me. It was too isolating, and me isolating myself didn't help.

    My biggest problem, what I am trying to overcome, is my social anxiety. But I am really working on it. When all that is said I still like very much to be alone at times, but I am not sure I'd describe myself as a lone wolf. Maybe I was before though.