Let’s Talk About Peeking

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by feedthebear, Mar 9, 2022.

  1. so many fetishes......
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  2. feedthebear

    feedthebear Fapstronaut

    Be careful with this algorithm. Even things like meditations and other “self help” videos can cause it to suggest things that can be very triggering. That’s actually a big reason I had to get off YouTube. I was using the algorithm to my “advantage”.

    It’s such a frustrating experience, isn’t it? I guess learning how to deal with these triggers and suppressing the urges to do more peeking is a part of the recovery. However, it’s an exhausting battle to say the least.

    Last night, I was looking at a comic book previews catalogue, and (no surprise) there’s plenty of stimulating images there. But I told myself, “You like comics, you want to be able to keep reading them, don’t let these images lead to a peeking binge.” I’m happy to say that I didn’t, but I’m still kind of reeling from that and have to keep my urges in check today.
    SpartanWarriorForLife likes this.
  3. SpartanWarriorForLife

    SpartanWarriorForLife Fapstronaut

    in the live action film X-Men Apocolypse , the charechter of the warrior / ninja chick with the swords is wearing tight black leather and her legs and thighs are completly revealed and the black leather outfit is like a thong just covering her pussy and then going up her body , like if she wasn't shaved down there her pubic hair would've been coming out of the side of the leather outfit LoL , and kids watch this shit , and she's dressed like a dominatrix prostitute LoL she makes wonder woman's custom looks like a church outfit ! LoL
  4. Fullyawake

    Fullyawake Fapstronaut

    When you get serious about zero peeking you see how much of the world is full of sexual content. It’s there to hook you in to a product they’re trying to sell, nothing more. To control you. When I’m on a big streak I honestly have no interest in the sex they’re trying to sell. We have to be stronger than the machine they’ve built.
    SpartanWarriorForLife likes this.
  5. Don'tLookBack

    Don'tLookBack Fapstronaut

    Yeah I share that same sentiment. I think looking at it this way puts the responsibility on us instead of the woman. We should be able to have the self-control to not gawk over women like they are prizes to be won. It has nothing to do with how they present themselves in the world.
    feedthebear likes this.
  6. feedthebear

    feedthebear Fapstronaut

    Great words. I can recall a recent streak where, once I got over the initial grind of the first few days, I felt things were actually easier. I became more aware of that type of advertising and was able to disengage from it.

    Thanks for the positive words! I’m feeling urges due to the proximity of time since my last peek session, and your words are great motivation!
    Fullyawake likes this.
  7. Fullyawake

    Fullyawake Fapstronaut

    It’s true that your mind resets itself when you go on a streak. I feel less stressed. Less self conscious. Not worried at all about being caught doing anything because I’m not doing it in the first place. Peeking is where it all starts. We all know it. It shows how important the first step of anything is. Make our first step a positive one, not a negative one. Step towards no porn, no masturbation.
  8. NewBeginnings100

    NewBeginnings100 Fapstronaut


    Exactly coz Peeking leads to edging which EVENTUALLY leads to relapsing one way or another. I recently had to release and reboot coz i kept doing it.

    its best not to peek at all period!
  9. SpartanWarriorForLife

    SpartanWarriorForLife Fapstronaut

    i ain't gon lie to myself i slipped up but i wouldn't consider it a relapse , yesterday i went on one of those live streaming platforms called "younow" , and there were a girl there she was fully clothed just normally talking and i typed a few sexual comments in the chat box , i felt a sudden rush of energy , as i've been away from contact with females for so long that even that interaction throw the screen felt thrilling LoL , and wgen i slept last night i had a wetdream , so i'm guissing it happened because of that interaction , so this morning i deleted the streaming platform application from my phone and never going on that platform or similar streaming sites like twitch a d things like that , i'll just atick with the therapy support platform called 7 cups of tea , it's typing chat based ! so yeah , that's that !
  10. from2003

    from2003 Fapstronaut

    Same here bro,
    Fullyawake and Revanthegrey like this.
  11. Caveat Emptor

    Caveat Emptor Distinguished Fapstronaut

    There have been so many good comments in this thread already. This is something that I’ve been really struggling with. And it’s difficult in the modern world where soooo many things are sexual used.

    When you get on a really long streak, you start to think “I’m past that. I can enjoy something sexy but not explicitly pornographic… like an Instagram bikini model.” It’s false. All of my long streaks have ended because of a peeking habit that escalated. And maybe you’re able to browse that Instagram for 5 minutes one day, but a few days later, it’ll be 10 minutes, and then something will remind of the actual porn you once consumed. And then you’ll go look that up and PMO.

    One person earlier said something like “acknowledge the sexual thing, maybe appreciate it for a moment, and then move.” I think that’s key.

    here’s a situation that is similar to something that happened to me and probably happens to a lot of us.

    you’re browsing the internet with a purpose. Like You’re looking for a house music YouTube mix to workout to. The thumbnail images usually have a bikini model or something like that. Here, you see it, you stop, you appreciate it, and then you go do your workout. And you never come back to her. That is not peeking. I think that is very healthy.

    the alternative, is you don’t stop. Instead. You notice in the video description that the video poster credited the model and linked to her other pages. When you click those pages, you are peeking, and will very likely relapse soon.
    You go on auto pilot, and click her Instagram, you see she has an onlyfans, you go investigate elsewhere, and find a bunch of her leaked onlyfans content, and PMO to that. That process can happen in a few minutes, or a few days, but it’s very likely after that first steps explicitly towards the sexual content.

    when you take that first affirmative step TOWARDS porn, you are reactivating your old habits, and the urge to see it through to completion is often overwhelming.

    be on your guard. Appreciate the sexually pleasing things you come across, but do not pursue it further than a brief moment of appreciation.

    In a world where sex is at least somewhat used to sell almost everything, we have to constantly be on our guard.
  12. feedthebear

    feedthebear Fapstronaut

    This. This is so true. I’ve been able to stop myself before getting to P, but everything else you say here is so true. That’s why I think the biggest step AWAY from peeking is getting rid of all social media. Drawing a deep line in the sand that puts social media on the peeking side, has helped me a ton.

    Accept that you are a sexual being. Acknowledge when you encounter sexually appealing material, and move on. Learning to let go of those encounters is part of the recovery.
  13. Don'tLookBack

    Don'tLookBack Fapstronaut

    This really makes sense. You put into words what I have subconsciously known all along.
  14. Fullyawake

    Fullyawake Fapstronaut

    PMO feels good especially after you’ve had a long streak. It’s hard to stop once you start. That’s why it’s so important not to look at anything you KNOW will tempt you. Ignorance really is bliss with not peeking. What you don’t think about can’t tempt you. If you relapse you look back and see how perfect your no PMO bubble was, and you have to build up to that again.
  15. AndreC

    AndreC Fapstronaut

    Thanks for creating this thread!

    Recently, those little adds with woman in sexual poses have popped up and I've been tempted to just stop and stare. Thankfully I haven't, but it feels like I'm burning through my will power and It might run out soon. I'm grateful for all of you. You all understand and have fought/or are currently fighting the same battle.

    For me: Peeking = relapse
  16. My version of "peeking" is going on Instagram or Twitter and actively looking for arousing pics, chasing that sensation that I would get from full-on porn. This has led me to relapsing multiple times, so I have had to set a hard line for myself and not allow myself to peek whatsoever.
    Caveat Emptor likes this.
  17. SpartanWarriorForLife

    SpartanWarriorForLife Fapstronaut

    Those Fucking pop-up ads are like fucking sniper assult rifle bullets shot straight to the skull !!! the way they "pop-up" suddennly from the side of the screen before you even get a chanse to know what's going on , you discover that you have already looked at a semi or fully pornographic imagery for a couple of seconds before you close it , and then it will take your brain another 6 months or so to elimenate the sexual imagery from the memory !!! it's a huge conspirisy gentelmen !!! the rulers of the planet are working over time to enslave us !!! the end of the world is soon !!!
    Master Builder likes this.
  18. Fullyawake

    Fullyawake Fapstronaut

    As soon as I see that stuff I click away or scroll away as quick as possible. And that’s just on normal news websites. Goes to show how sexualised our world is, and how normalised it has become. Looking on Instagram and teasing yourself is no different to taking sips of alcohol and saying you’re going to give up alcohol. You can’t move on if you tease yourself. Sad to say it, but you have to be dead inside to resist these urges. Save yourself for someone special, not pixels. It will be worth it.
  19. feedthebear

    feedthebear Fapstronaut

    Well, it happened again. Not as bad as last time, but pretty much the same pattern.

    I’ve decided to quit using gif keyboards. That’s where my trouble begins. I think to myself, “Let’s just see what this search term returns,” thinking that the filter will block out most things. But then I don’t stop. Just the act of searching makes me want more. So then I start peeking elsewhere. It’s only a matter of time before I get really burned by this.

    I’m going to go back and read some of these comments again to get my head on straight.
    SpartanWarriorForLife likes this.
  20. Fullyawake

    Fullyawake Fapstronaut

    We know how the story ends. We feel the same way every time we relapse. Yet we keep doing it. I finally said “no more” a while ago now. I’d rather be miserable and sober than a slave to bad habits and lies. But I feel great.