
For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. Sean Edie

    Sean Edie Fapstronaut

    I have been listening to podcasts but sometimes it's just background noise. When temptation comes, I do try to fight at first but I've been lazy lately. I also read at night and that stops the thoughts coming then but I wake up and it takes a while to get going
  2. Sean Edie

    Sean Edie Fapstronaut

    From Youversion Lenten devotional
    "Day 16: The Champion"

    Psalm 68:7-18 is a song of praise for the power of God as seen in salvation. There are three movements in this passage. Verses 7-10 describe the power of God in delivering the people of Israel from their bondage in Egypt. Then, verses 11-14 recount the power of God in the present to preserve his people as they lived amongst their enemies. Finally, verses 15-18 rejoice in the power of God that will safely bring his people home to the mountain of God.

    These three movements describe the life of a Christian. We are those who have been brought out from the bondage of sin and death, are being preserved in our present journey, and have been given a promise that we shall arrive safely home. How are all these wonderful truths possible? These benefits are secured for us because of our champion.

    Psalm 68:18 refers to one who ascended on high, leading forth a host of captives in his train. According to St. Paul, this passage is describing Christ Jesus, particularly the victory accomplished by him through his resurrection from the dead (Ephesians 4:8).

    In Hebrews 12:2 we are told to keep our eyes on Jesus, the archegos of our faith. Although it has been variously translated as “author” or “pioneer,” the best translation would be “champion.” In other words, Jesus went toe-to-toe with sin and death and won! He fought the battle on our behalf with death and secured the victory. Now, we can rest in him, knowing that the very same power that raised Jesus from the dead is also at work in us (1 Corinthians 6:14).

    Do you find yourself anxious today, maybe fearful of what the future holds? Let the truth of these verses be a reminder that the power of God is present in your life because of the work of our champion. Because of him we have been brought out of bondage, are being preserved day by day, and through his grace we shall arrive safely home.


    Heavenly Father, we give you thanks for the power present in our lives because of our champion, Christ Jesus, and would ask that today we would find ourselves equipped with courage and joy because of him who ascended on high. In Christ’s Name, Amen.
  3. Sean Edie

    Sean Edie Fapstronaut


    “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens... a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1-4)

    Nowhere in the Bible does it say that we’re meant to be happy all the time. Yet the pursuit of happiness has become, in the Western world at least, a god in itself.

    But God doesn’t want us to be happy; He wants us to be whole.

    If you want to flourish, stop chasing happiness. If you want to thrive, stop trying to be perfect. If you want life in all its fullness, stop hiding from your emotions. God wants us to have depth, strength, character. You don’t get that from a perfect life.

    What I love about ancient scriptures such as the Psalms and Ecclesiastes is how emotionally authentic they are. They’re full of grief and pain and unanswered questions – as well as praise and thanksgiving and joy. Because that’s life. And life is good. It’s messy and it’s broken and it hurts, but it’s good.

    Dear God, help me to accept the times when life isn’t perfect. Help me to see the ways You’re shaping me in the difficult times. And help me to seek You above everything else. In Jesus’ name, amen.

    Gideon Heugh, Tearfund
  4. Sean Edie

    Sean Edie Fapstronaut


    “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:38-39)

    Life is not a test of your worth. No matter how you feel, no matter how far you’ve fallen, no matter how many times you’ve failed – you are worthy of love.

    God wants you to be here. He wants you to be you. It can be easy to forget that, when all else is stripped away, life is a gift. We have breath and we have blood; sometimes that’s all we have, but it’s enough. The gaps in our lives are filled with grace.

    So, even though we’re bombarded by bad news, constant advertisements for the latest thing we should buy; even though we lose our jobs, people leave us and our dreams seem distant; even though we can feel pressed on all sides by anxiety, loneliness and despair; let’s cling fiercely to the fact that we are loved more than we can imagine.

    Dear God, thank You for grace, for second chances, for new dawns. Thank You for Your relentless, powerful, boundless love. Open my eyes Lord, that I might see more of Your grace and love. In Jesus’ name, amen.

    Gideon Heugh, Tearfund
    Tao Jones likes this.
  5. End it

    End it Fapstronaut

    Just wanted to let you know that you have greatly helped me tonight. I tried this, not with temptation, with pain, anxiety, and fear. I am at peace.
    Tao Jones likes this.
  6. Sean Edie

    Sean Edie Fapstronaut

    I get periods where I give in every day and it could last weeks until I finally see what I'm doing. I need to take this more seriously
  7. Nothing changes if nothing changes.
    End it likes this.
  8. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    Saint Augustine of Hippo is known for his worldly intellect and discernment. One of his most famous quotes is "Dear Lord please make me holy but not just yet". Obviously, God knew Augustine would become a great saint some day but God accommodated Augustine's request and let him go on living a life of debauchery until Augustine was ready to mend his ways. Christ can see what is in our hearts and I believe He gives us what we truly want, whether it be leaving us alone to continue sinning as he did in Augustine's early days or to come to our aid in fighting temptation as He did when Augustine grew older.

    I think it is important to ask ourselves what is truly in my heart? Do I want to be free of the sins of lust or do I secretly wish to continue having the option to sin? Personally, I found a path to freedom by seeking a clean heart and by repeatedly asking Our Lord to fill my heart with the Father's love. I can't say my heart is completely full yet but I do know that my heart longs for God now.
    Tao Jones likes this.