Knock, knock! Newbie here.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Punisher93, Oct 20, 2015.

  1. Punisher93

    Punisher93 Fapstronaut

    Hello guys and girls, I first stumbled across nofap when I was struggling with HOCD. This period in my life was hell! I have recovered somewhat now, admittedly not 100% yet though. My life, my identity had turned upside down. Each time I'd feel slightly better, I'd watch porn and masturbate again. The guilt and dread would then lead me to those previous thoughts again.

    Now since two weeks I have made a serious attempt. This. Is. It! NOMORE. I am going all in and changing my life. I have dived back into my Muay Thai training, I have amped it up doing 5 classes a week and 2 hours a day. I used to fight and compete internationally before university. It's a source of energy release for me.

    That's a brief snippet of me so far. I hope to keep writing on here maybe weekly and updating where I am in my journey.

    Thank you all.
    ruikai likes this.
  2. taqwa

    taqwa Fapstronaut

    Great work! My only advice is to ease up on the perfectionist behavior. To err is human. Perfection is not the goal. Will power alone usually does not work. The key is never to give up on yourself. If you miss the exit, make a U-turn. Learn to love yourself, by doing that, you will be able to love others. I wish you much success. Stay around like minded people and stay connected to this forum. Good luck. I love this quote by Maya Angelou:
    You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.”
    OddTheOodle likes this.
  3. OddTheOodle

    OddTheOodle Fapstronaut

    Hey Punisher,

    Congratulations on making the decision to wipe PMO out of your life. You have definitely come to the right place. These forums are full of people that have made the same choice.

    I am glad to hear you have something planned to help release the energy.

    Just a few things: have you already gone two weeks without PMO? Do you have porn blockers set up (and do you have someone you can trust with the password)?

    I wish you great success on your journey.
  4. Punisher93

    Punisher93 Fapstronaut

    Thank you. I appreciate all advice.
  5. Punisher93

    Punisher93 Fapstronaut

    Hi, I have gone two weeks. I don't have porn blockers set up, not sure how to on the macbook.
  6. taqwa

    taqwa Fapstronaut

    I have a mac book. Covenant Eyes is a great program that you can install across all your devices including your mac. You will need to have someone to keep the password.
  7. Punisher93

    Punisher93 Fapstronaut

    Thanks, I'l; install it. However I'm not comfortable with giving out this password to anyone and the reason behind it.
  8. taqwa

    taqwa Fapstronaut

    If you know the password, you can disable the block. Thus the software is not useful!
  9. Punisher93

    Punisher93 Fapstronaut

    I'll have to think a way round it.