Kissing Video leads me to fail

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Krillin1993, Oct 19, 2023.

  1. Krillin1993

    Krillin1993 Fapstronaut

    People can see it as sexual or not, but I have to admit that I wanted to see a Man and a Woman only kissing each other without seeing any sexual Intercourse. And I found a Video on P-Hub....oh Boy...this was so innocent and so beautiful that I got hard and I wanted to fap so badly.
    I can send it to those People who have failed...just if you want...and tell me how you find it.
    I don't get any Erections from normal Porn Videos.
    I am even not impressed anymore from Porn in general. But I don't know if we can count kissing as Porn Material?..... I really don't know.

    I find it really stressful to have an Erection with normal Porn Scenes with any kind of sexual Fantasy or Fetish and here it doesn't matter which it is. I don't have the need to fap to Anal or Oral Videos anymore.
    Thats definetly the good News.

    What I feel for Kissing is 100 times more beautiful than seeing the same procedure for Sex.
    I got numb from seeing the same thing over and over again.

    Although I find the kissing of 2 People honest pure and true, I still have my Main Problem with Loneliness.

    My Enemy is Loneliness and not Porn or Masturbation. I can definetly say that to you.
    Can you imagine that I was on Day 164, 1 Day before? This was my highest Record after all.
    AmosRaffaqat likes this.
  2. 164 days is a great effort and one mistake won't undo the progress unless you get it. I think I've said this to you before but your issue is your mindset, you do seem to do a lot of sad-posting and it's messing with your head. Hate to break it to you, but getting a GF or having sex WON'T magically change your life if you retain the attitude you have now. I'd advise working on breaking the idea that getting a GF/having sex is your ultimate goal in life. To use a very extreme hypothetical to get the point across simply, you could be the guy who discovers the cure for cancer cut that won't happen if you spend so much time moping around thinking about imaginary girls.
    Krillin1993 likes this.
  3. I've broken some long reboots with fapping relapses. It's not the greatest, but don't take it
    too hard. Everybody here has a distorted mindset because of their addiction.

    Without sounding like a jerk, I do want to say that when you reboot, it's best to go
    back to the basics, which is to avoid looking at porn. Whatever "porn" is to you,
    is what porn is. We get a lot deeper in reboot time without it.

    But you know all that. Just take some time, maybe even a few weeks, be in the chaser,
    and relax. Don't rush right away into another reboot.

    The last thing I want to say is on loneliness. Loneliness is like any other emotion.
    If you feel it, it's going to burn out and die.

    What helped me end it the fastest was just being on my own, not chasing girls, working
    on improving my life, making money, making music, working out, reading books, not
    dwelling on the past.

    One book that I strongly suggest that helped me out, this book made me understand
    what my goals should be, how I should build my potential.
    Mark Manson "Models"

    kit if I can help, send me a msg!
    Krillin1993 likes this.
  4. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    So this is something I see quite a bit of on this forum and that is people seeing something and kind of questioning whether it's pornographic or not. Or if it was a reset to look lustfully at something even though it wasn't what.most guys would lust after. The simple truth of this entire situation is that it absolutely doesn't matter specifically what it is we're looking at. It matters how we view it. If you got aroused watching two people kss, then yes, it is absolutely sexual and as such, something you should never even think of watching. To me, two adults kissing on the mouth is ALWAYS sexual. But even if it was some old guy paving a dirt road....if that is something you get aroused by looking at, then just DON'T WATCH IT.

    I'm not trying to be a jerk about this, but you basically said that someone may or may not see a video seen on pornhub as sexual. Just because clothes are on and there's no sexual intercourse doesn't mean it's something lust addicts are free to watch without consequence.

    Also (and this may be the most important question you need to answer) why are you on pornhub in the first place?? That's like an alcoholic going into a bar, sitting at the bar, ordering a beer, and holding it up and smelling it.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2023
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