
Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Megasameru, Jan 9, 2018.

  1. Megasameru

    Megasameru Fapstronaut

    Hi, I recently found out about kegel exercises to fortify the pevic floor and have multi orgasms and prevent premature ejaculation, and I have a few concerns.
    Maybe Im confused about wich is the muscle (I think Im not) but usually when I used to do force with the PC muscle while masturbating, It got more aroused and reached the orgasm quicker. I even pressed my PC to the sink to ejaculate almost in the first minute, though I've heard manually pressing your PC can prevent ejaculation. Why does it make it easier in my case? Btw, when I did the "manual pressing" with the sink, Id have to release it moments before orgasm to ejaculate succesfully, other way I wouldnt reach it.
    Another thing, Ive read that you need to masturbate to succesfully practice your multi orgasm. They recommend no porn, but 10 to 20 minutes masturbation sessions. Is this ok? Wouldnt it be better to do it with your SO? Advice on this please.
    I dont get the reverse kegel. Is it just like peeing? Whats the difference with regular kegel?
    Any recommendations are accepted. Thank you.
  2. Megasameru

    Megasameru Fapstronaut

    Also, how much time does it take till you develope it? Is there anything else to do to prevent ejaculation?
  3. I am unaware of the "hands-on" approach you seem to have gotten from somewhere. So I'll just do a run-down of what I know about kegels.
    They're an exercise, a simple tense-and-relax repetition for the groin area muscles, particularly the muscle that controls fluid flow from one's urethra, this includes urine as well as any other fluid, like cowper's fluid, semen etc.
    It was originally recommended to women who had leaking issues in post-natal phases, after childbirth, doing kegels over time helped them back to regain proper bladder control.
    Over time, our oversexed society started to see the sex related benefits of this exercise (tighter grip of the female parts, plus more control, hence more pleasure for the participants). And for men, it alleviated and helps with recovering from both urinary incontinence, as well as premature ejaculations.
    The way to find the PC muscle, is quite simple, if done the medically recommended way.
    Simply, when you pee, try to stop mid-stream, the muscle that you feel constricting is the PC muscle.
    In all, what you need to do, is simply constrict this muscle in different poses (lying down, standing up, sitting, squating etc. The more variety the better as it'll train your muscles to be strong in all postures), and then release. And repeat.
    The proper way is to hold the tension for a count of 5 or 10 and then release, and again hold this relaxed state for a count of 5 and 10. Inhale while constricting and exhale while relaxing.
    As for the multi orgasm technique, I personally recommend for you to avoid doing that during a reboot.
    It involves masturbation so you can get to the edge and then hold through without ejaculating. But for PMO addicts, the analogy would be like a recovering junkie, to be prescribed methamphetamines as an ADD medicine, NOT HELPFUL.
    If however, you are just doing a No P reboot, and don't have an addiction to M, then I don't see why the whole of the multi orgasm technique can't be employed.
    Remember, masturbation IS both natural and if done not to the point of extremes, mostly harmless. It's just that for 95% of us, our M habit becomes entwined with our P habit, so abstaining from both together helps in healing the brain faster.
    BeautyForAshes and Megasameru like this.
  4. Megasameru

    Megasameru Fapstronaut

    Thank you! It was really helpful. I was not gonna try it for the multiorgasm until at least 60 or 90 days of reboot, I dont plan masturbating AT LEAST until then, and if I can practice without Moing, even better.
    I personally found quite easy to do the kegels, at least not as quickly painful as exercising other similar muscles. Should I restrain the exercises to a limited amount of times a day? Can I harm the muscle if I do it many times a day?
    Also, did you find kegels modified your sex life the first days? I mean, as with most exercises I believe the first days you get kind of exhausted, like when you lift weights and the day after you cant even lift a book. Is there a risk of having it at minimum capacity the first days?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. BeautyForAshes

    BeautyForAshes Fapstronaut

    I used to love kegels. I used to hold reverse kegels for about 10-20 seconds. Nice lil' burn. I overdid them a lot too. I'm the type of guy that if I find something that works for me, I tend to overdo it. My pelvic floor would be sore in the morning though(I love to wake up feeling sore!).

    Over time, it paid off. I remember still having PIED, not knowing what it was, but after my pelvic floor recovered, I had a pipe, though ironically I couldn't use it. The shame. But now, I have a lethal weapon. I never experienced multiple O's, but I can control the time, because I always finish last. Dude, I seriously used to do 200-400, twenty second hold reps a session(at night). Kegels distinguished my PMO past from most guys, because majority of it was viewing P to help with kegels. (I still had PIED, but the P helped cause a blood flow to help facilitate the kegels. In a confused and frustrated state, I assumed kegels only would heal my ED.)

    Sorry for the excess information, but this subject sparked a lot of nostalgia for me.
    Deleted Account and Megasameru like this.
  6. Megasameru

    Megasameru Fapstronaut

    Thank you!!
    What exactly are reverse kegels? I thought they were just relaxing the PC, but isnt it normally relaxed? How can I perform them?
  7. Iguana

    Iguana Fapstronaut

    You asked how they helped with PE. Afaik, you're supposed to have such a strong PC that you can stop your ejaculation with a kegel, other than that if you have a strong pc you will ha e a better time when having sex with your PC relaxed
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2018
    Deleted Account and Megasameru like this.
  8. BeautyForAshes

    BeautyForAshes Fapstronaut

    ... Honestly, this one is hard to explain. Try kegels.....while engaging your rectum.
  9. Megasameru

    Megasameru Fapstronaut

    Out of context quotes can make the differencr
  10. Iguana

    Iguana Fapstronaut

    lmao stupid phone