Just masturbated

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Goat matata, Jul 6, 2020.

  1. Goat matata

    Goat matata Fapstronaut

    Am new here but as much as I wanted to join this community I really felt the urge to masturbate before joining and now am back to my senses.I am 24years old and I have struggled alot to quit porn and masturbation without success. I really need help.
    Deleted Account and King Tut 23 like this.
  2. Quitterrr

    Quitterrr Fapstronaut

    Hey man,
    First of all trust me, you joining this community is going to be the best decision you made in your life,
    It's easy to quit if you have the will power, but you need to ask yourself now " do I love porn?" Answer it truthfully and if you hate it, not doing pmo will give you more pleasure than actually doing pmo as you're doing what you want to do.

    Here is some tips that helped me reach 130 days:

    Avoid triggers: they cause urges, urges you wouldn't have gotten but you decided that watching a girl in a bikini

    Don't start a chain: don't look at normal pics of girls or do anything that ur mind wants you to do, it's tricking you to watch small things that are not related to porn but will gradually make you relapse

    Don't do checks: checks are basically you masturbating to see if ur still ok (during flatline) or check if you have an erection or whatver, don't do it

    Build new habits to replace the old ones, otherwise you will relapse, you see if you used to pmo during the night, and at night ur just sitting there doing nothing, you'll relapse, instead read or exercise

    Listen to music: it's fun and some have motivation in them or whatever but it's fun and helped me overcome my most dangerous of urges

    Also you'll learn from your mistakes, you will relapse, you'll know why it happened and you'll not do it again, it's a part of rebooting, good luck man
    AyomideKenny and MarioVargas like this.
  3. Goat matata

    Goat matata Fapstronaut

    Thank you for taking time to give me directions, I will try the best I can to follow your guidance and hope it will save me from this shameful addiction
  4. If I am having urges for things that you mentioned, will it be good to occupy yourself in physical activities and workouts? It's pretty much inevitable for me to avoid anything related to porn given it's everywhere IMO. I do sleep regularly more than often and I try to surround myself with more people.
  5. HelperX

    HelperX Fapstronaut

    triggers are everywhere indeed.
    In my experience, I've touched the ground basically, porn has effected my brain that I reached a low in feeling depressed that I won't permit porn to troll me again. It needed me lots of relapse though, meaning that even when you think you got everything under control, you can end up relapsing. But no panic, it's all lesson, keep it moving, reset the counter and you'll get to the point that you won't want to do pmo anymore for the effects it causes.
  6. Quitterrr

    Quitterrr Fapstronaut

    Well, obviously doing anything (physical exercise is an amazing choice btw) is better than just sitting there doing nothing waiting for the urge to be over, but still know, not doing anything is still more than enough, so it's better tho to occupy urself with exercise or cold showers
  7. ShogunGeneral

    ShogunGeneral Fapstronaut

    My advice is change your relationship to porn. Porn is not some magical spell concocted by an all-powerful wizzard to entrance your brain. Think of it as junk food. When you consume it you feel gross but you are drawn to it none the less. You can quit junk food you can quit Junk p. Just takes effort. Takes the effort of realizing you feel better in the long term when you give up P's short term gratification. Think of this equation. When you get off P you feel better 24-7. When you are P-ing you feel good for only the short amount of time you P and then you feel bad do you need P to feel good again. Vicious cycle.

    Along your journey will will have relapses. My advice is be kind with yourself. I see many people here who have relapses and they beat themselves up and throw in the towel. Be kind and understanding with your physche treat it like a small child who, when they make mistakes, need corrections but don't need to be screamed at as that will make the situation worse. if you get a one day streak going GREAT! Remember you only need to say no to porn for today pretty simple. 'Keep the lantern by your feet and follow the trail..' you only need to say no to porn for today. Keeping going. Keep moving forward.
  8. Goat matata

    Goat matata Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the advice,it feels great to atleast know someone cares.i will try the best I can.
    ShogunGeneral likes this.