Joining NoFap,

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by RonnieRhett, Dec 22, 2015.

  1. I have been hearing about NoFap for months and have decided, since I have realized I have a PMO addiction, to join up and start the fight for a healthier life. No spiritual motivation, it's all personal. Hi everyone!
    As of now I think my circumstances are not by any means uncommon; 19, male, never been in a relationship, started watching porn when I was thirteen. This September I realized I was addicted to pornography and masturbation (three+ hours of porn a day, masturbating at least twice). September to December I have been trying to quit, and I have been researching the heck out of pornography addiction and masturbation effects on the body. Research has been informative, but I have not been able to go longer than three days without PMO. I want accountability. I want a tracking system. I want to start fighting seriously, so hear I am.
    Time for a change and a better life.
  2. RetroMike

    RetroMike Fapstronaut

    Welcome RonnieRhett! Glad you found the right place!
  3. Hi Nirrad90. Thanks for the warm welcome. Seems like a great community here.
    RetroMike likes this.
  4. jpaz212

    jpaz212 Fapstronaut

    Welcome RonnoeRhett! Just being here is a small but significant victory already. I would encorage you to set daily goals and pursue with all you've got. In my experience, I have found this to be more productive and successful than mere abstinence. When yo try hard not to think about something, guess what??!! That;s exactly what you'll be thinking about. Welcome again man! :)