It's Over, but my growth continues...

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by SeekingTransformation, Jun 29, 2018.

  1. SeekingTransformation

    SeekingTransformation Fapstronaut

    It's been a long time since I've started my own NoFap journey. There have been a few slip ups, but overall it's been a huge success for me, and a great growing experience.

    NoFap has awakened an attraction to other people in me, on a different level. I've never felt this before. It feels so deep. Before, I had problems with attraction. My way of connecting was convoluted and based in my own problems. It wasn't genuine. NoFap wasn't responsible for this, but a wonderful tool. The positivity has seeped into other areas of my life, and I couldn't be happier.

    My SO that I have written about previously- I am no longer with. The connection wasn't there, and I could no longer carry the relationship. He attempted NF if you can call it that, but the minute I brought it up, I faced resistance. Although he decided to do it, claiming it was for both of us- it wasn't. He's very passive, and did it so I wouldn't talk to him about it for a while. He wasn't willing to work on himself, or improve our relationship. He may not have hurt me intentionally, but he was aware of his effects, and did not change them.

    Regardless, all these experiences have caused much reflection. No one owes you anything, and this can be seen in our ideas of duties, and the roles we think people should fill. Despite our 3 year relationship, I have no animosity or negative feelings toward my ex. We are still friends actually. I think he's a good person, but he is so addicted, and in such a toxic place, he refuses to try to help himself. He immediately went back to his addictions, and seems worse than ever in that way.

    I am just doing what is best for me. I will continue to do that. I am a very determined, loyal person, but there comes a point where you can no longer sacrifice yourself and needs. In fact, I don't think it should ever be a sacrifice, but a compromise. A compromise with efforts on both parties.