It's about vitamin D

Discussion in 'Nutrition and Supplements' started by BrighterFuture, Mar 9, 2022.

  1. BrighterFuture

    BrighterFuture Fapstronaut

    Always tired, I wouldn't be able to read one page without losing focus, I couldn't even have a long conversation without wanting to shut down

    At worst, I couldn't feel happy about anything or even laugh, depression? No, I knew it wasn't that

    you see

    Someone I knew suggested that I should do a blood test, I thought It would useless but I gave a try anyway

    Annd as you might have guessed from the title, I lacked Vitamin D

    I took supplemnts, I didn't feel that different at the time, but I felt somewhat more... what's the word? Yes, functional, something was happening, but I cannot define what it was,

    but I know for sure that

    I overall felt much better, and before I did that blood test I thought the misery I was living in was only caused by PMO,

    Oh me and my silly mind

    but really there is so much more we need to learn about ourselves before we blame everything bad happening around us on PMO

    so check your vitamins, I think it's worth it
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2022
  2. skybrowser

    skybrowser Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing, I keep telling myself I should get a blood test but then forget about it.
    BrighterFuture likes this.

    VVULFGVNG Fapstronaut

    Glad to see you're figuring things out. I too was deficient in Vitamin D and started supplementing with vitamin pills. But remember boys and girls nothing beats the real thing. I go for walks or sit out on my patio for hours if I know I'm not going anywhere specific that involves the outdoors for that day. Nature and natural sunlight cures modern issues.
  4. BrighterFuture

    BrighterFuture Fapstronaut

    I agree with you, always take the real thing, but you know how life is, you get a job that forces you to sleep in the waking hours and work late at night, it not always an easy option sometimes

    But I really love the heat of the sun, especially standing under it after a soothing shower, so relaxing

    VVULFGVNG Fapstronaut

    I live in Florida so no winter here. But I don't see a harm supplementing it during the colder months especially if you have season changes.
    Assyrian and (deleted member) like this.

  6. I've realized over this past winter my body was lacking the most out of Vitamin D. I'm pretty pale right now and that's pretty much because I'm Home, Work, Home, 20-30minute walk. Can't even get out right now because It's rainy and gloomy in my state today. Tomorrow I will try to get out.. Maybe I need to make it be a early morning routine. It's good you got a blood test as some times we need it. I get them every three months and it says allot about what we need in our diet.
    BrighterFuture likes this.

  7. I'm jealous man. haha
    I wish I could get a taste of the Sunshine State.
  8. Apart from the fact that there are several forms of "vitamin D" (e.g. calciferol/ergocalciferol and cholecalciferol, D2 and D3 respectively) and the supplement may not give the form that is most needed, the "real thing" tends to come in maintenance levels, not in therapeutic quantities. Supplements can provide much higher amounts that help one to catch up from a deficiency.
    If you have a deficiency, supplements will help you to catch up quicker, and without risk of sunburn. In any case, sunshine is not exactly vitamin D, and it requires some physiology (chemical processes) to manufacture vitamin D in the presence of sunlight. Vitamin D is produced when cholesterol and/or ergosterol is converted in the skin to cholecalciferol or ergocalciferol by the ultraviolet rays of the sun.

    A tanning bed which provided ultraviolet light in the correct spectrum should have the same effect as the sunshine.
    It may be useful to know that, because of the earth's tilt and the angle of the solar radiation being changed, in parts of America the amount of sunshine received in winter is 1/10 as much as in summer. Sunshine, of course, is not temperature dependent, though it does influence air temperatures. A cold summer day will still yield higher levels of solar radiation than the hottest day in winter.
    Virginguy23 likes this.
  9. BrighterFuture

    BrighterFuture Fapstronaut

    Relatable, though I do find it ironic that I live in the middle of the desert, and yet I'm also struggling to get enough vitamin D just like you,

    there's a great website called IHerb, you can get supplements right to your front door and the prices are very affordable
    Assyrian and (deleted member) like this.
  10. Yep, sunlight,

    also iodine in the air, trees, ground...

    careful with the wireless radiations, blue-white lights, etc. the silent killers of our day and age

    iodine deficiency is no joke
    Re-Life2010 and BrighterFuture like this.
  11. trance_frog

    trance_frog Fapstronaut

    I keep meaning to have a blood test done.

    Taking multi-vitamins jump starts my mood. So definitely some deficiency somewhere,
  12. Tiko24

    Tiko24 New Fapstronaut

    I also take vitamin D on a regular basis and am very happy with the results. I take high doses, 4,000 or more a day. I feel so much better ;)
    BrighterFuture likes this.
  13. newbikeman

    newbikeman Fapstronaut

    Thanks for mentioning it! I have been taking it for about 2 years, it does improve my immune system, had alopecia now its gone, not sure if V.D helped, but I definitely swear by it
    BrighterFuture likes this.
  14. BrighterFuture

    BrighterFuture Fapstronaut

    doing a blood test regularly is a must, I mean it really makes a difference
  15. GeorgeJetson

    GeorgeJetson Fapstronaut

    I get regular panels done and found out a few years ago I am highly deficient in Vitamin D...among other things.

    I take Vitamin D every day in the morning for the past few years and it's been fantastic. Many Americans (maybe 40% or more) are vitamin d deficient and should be checked.

    Side note, I'm also B12 deficient as well as one who suffers from low T. I've been supplementing with T, B12, and D for the past few years and feel immensely better.

    Great thread!
  16. I took one of those tests recently, because I was having a lot of confusing health problems. Vitamin D was the only thing I was deficient in. I'm terrible at remembering to take it though.
  17. BrighterFuture

    BrighterFuture Fapstronaut

    I don't really take them regularly too but as long as you take the 5000 dose occasionally it has and overall positive effect

    I did notice that the tablets only don't really affect my sleep, as I started to go out regularly and get sun light in morning, it greatly fixed my sleep and wake up times
    TakingTheSteps likes this.