Is this Normal? 5 months in

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Kolbe, May 1, 2017.

  1. Kolbe

    Kolbe Fapstronaut

    154 Days..
    So I am well into NoFap, and I've experienced some benefits, but I cannot get into those now. Ever since about 30 days in, I've been experiencing extreme mood swings, depression, anxiety, and social anxiety(isolation). It's gotten to the point where I am scheduling a visit with a psychologist. I wake up every day and dread going to high school, because I'm always worried that I'll be in a terrible mood and antisocial. Some days are good, but it seems like I've gotten to the point where I expect things to be bad. I hate being like this, but I will say this:
    I will take feeling like this any day over where I was 5 months ago; I like feeling everything (emotion-wise), I just wish it was a little happier.

    I can't seem to find anyone who has gotten this far and is still dealing with withdrawals, so that leads me to believe that it is something else. Anyone have any advice?
    Should I seek therapy? Is this normal?

    Thanks in Advance!
    sparkywantsnoPMO likes this.
  2. noonoon

    noonoon Fapstronaut

    It is normal. However, you should see a therapist. You deserve some real attention to your situation. Online help only goes so far.

    Please seek professional help. The world seems dark now, but it will get and can get better.
    Last edited: May 1, 2017
  3. noonoon

    noonoon Fapstronaut

    Our first and natural response to quitting PMO is hope. We discover some self-control over that which seemed uncontrollable. In jubilation, we are flooded with relief and pride, joy, surprise, and happiness. Our self-confidence skyrockets!

    This state is temporary. If we want to stay sober, we have to face the unpleasantness.

    It is for that reason many of us experience disturbing emotions when we quit PMO! We've lost our coping mechanism. Always before, when we were stressed, or tired, or lonely, we'd go to Lust. But now, we can't. Shit.

    To stay sober we must find another way of dealing with the unpleasantness. Meditation, prayer, SA meetings, friendships, exercise. All these become crucial in our recovery.

    I had so much unpleasantness, I went to my wife and cried in her arms, like a baby. I was forced to be vulnerable. I didn’t want to! But there was no other way. It was a wonderful experience. I also started working out more. I started meditation and prayer. I'm learning to deal with my anxiety through healthy means.

    Through sobriety, our weaknesses become our strengths. We go through the pain, the loneliness, the insecurity – all the things we’ve been hiding from – and discover a better self as a result.
  4. Kolbe

    Kolbe Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much @noonoon
    I have felt what you are experiencing! I cried like a baby with my girlfriend, and I even made a post about it!
    noonoon likes this.
  5. sparkywantsnoPMO

    sparkywantsnoPMO NoFap Moderator & Yeoman

    Therapists can help in several ways:

    1) They can help you with fighting this addiction.
    2) They can determine if there are other factors contributing to the depression.
    3) They can provide support tools for self improvement.
  6. I don't know if you need professional help. Some years ago I was active as a volunteer in a German speaking suicide-forum. And many, many guys and girls in your age had severe problems, sometimes they announced to commit suicide. In such a forum you only can stay for longer time and giving hope to the users when you know the hell of depression. Reading your lines I was more feeling: in this age many young people have hard times, mostly they don't need therapy or psyhopharmaka. I admire your strength in your NO-PM-journey and I would like to say: you will pass this strange time without professional therapy and everything will be fine again.

    I agree. All the sufferings I had in the past helped me to open up to what I was really looking for: true love, true happiness. Since many years I am full of appreciation and gratitude for being alive.
    sparkywantsnoPMO likes this.