Is this man toxic?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Dec 30, 2017.

  1. Let me preference this by saying I'm sleep deprived (which makes me grouchy) and have a 0.83 alc content. But I'm typing this shortly bc I don't care. For the past 20 something days I have had a great streak + no alc/drugs/cigs/weed.

    Today there was some bs concert I went for my sister and my good friend (5-6 yrs). Basically my sister was designated driver, so me and my boy drank. My sis got piss drunk and started throwing up in the club. My "friend" was so ignorant he didn't help at all. I had to sober up to drive. My sis got kicked out and I put her in the car, my "friend" jumped in the driver seat. I got really pissed (I'm 6'7") so a cop instantly saw me (I stand out).

    I get off w cops bc I'm a white male in America that doesn't lie about stuff (cops like it when you tell the truth). When I make a mistake I admit to it.

    The cop breathlyzed me and I was a 0.96 alc content (im not 21 yet). My boy kept jumping out the car drunker than me and telling the cops "to chill." The cops told him to shut the f*ck up. He said for me to wait an hour in the car and then bail. He left and my boy and I went AT IT. We screamed tf out of eachother. Long time coming, he's really self-centered and it all came out. We called eachother b*tches basically. He does stupid stuff like that all the time.

    Then he messed w my car. Started locking the doors, I kicked him out 5-6 times. Well I ended up driving him home and my sister. I can tell you I will never risk my police record (it's bad enough) and drive his b*tchass around, especially drunk. Like we almost went at it today, fist-fighting (he's a good friend and he's a hoe so he wouldnt). We pushed eachother. It's just so much bs.

    Is this man toxic? Am I toxic? Also if you're wondering how I get off w cops so easily, I don't look like a criminal, I'm a white man, and I always tell the truth when questioned (w anybody). I used to always lie, but now I don't owe anybody anything.

    Ahh, I gotta wake up in 2 hrs for a flight. I shouldn't post this but screw it. This man was telling me to calm down. I wasn't the one drinking when supposed to be driving, spilling alc all over my car, hoping in the driver seat when told not to, jumping out at the cops. The third cop told me, after the 3rd time my boy jumped out, that if he hops out again he's gonna taze him. He's selfish and only does things for himself. It's done and over tbh. We made mends. We have a long history, but there comes a certain point. I saved this man from getting arrested. He's never been handcuffed in the back of a cop car. The cop told me that we all wouldve been arrested if I lied to him. He would be crying like a little baby calling his mommy in a jail cell right now if it wasn't for me. He's not about it forreal. It's not cool but still

    Is this man toxic or nah?
  2. Honestly he's a pos to me, doesn't matter how many years I knew him if he was like that to me I'd dump his ass with no hesitation. Making you go through that shit especially with police there... I don't have a word for it, because he's that much of an asshole.

    I've gotten to a point in my life where I don't care who you are, if you don't listen and disrespect me then you're not my friend, and I don't care if they use the excuse that "they were drunk" or anything like that and neither should you. To me it sounds like he obviously doesn't give a shit especially since you say this crap always happens. I've dumped real close friends in the past, and all I can say is if one of them pulled that stunt on me he would of gotten a slap.

    Comes the saying treat others how you want to be treated. Can you imagine pulling that stuff on him? He'd probably be pissed off at you yet he has no problems doing it to you.
  3. Honestly, he does things like that all the time. It's just the first time we argued about it bc he was turning it around on me. He was saying that I should bail before so the cops don't arrest us, but the cops told me to wait an hour? Basically calling me a hoe for listening to the officers orders Lol I'm not gonna try to get inside his mind. He did use that "I was drunk" excuse (also for getting w other chicks that night when he has a girl, not the first time)

    And no I can't imagine doing that kinda stuff to him. I'm not perfect, I've done alot of wrong. But I don't blatantly just do things for myself that disbenefit others. Honestly speaking, I admire how he continously does things that benefit himself w no regard for other people. I wish I could value myself that highly, in that regard.

    I feel like one of my biggest downfalls, besides my porn addiction (lol), is doing things for other people and assuming they would do the same for me. I still do this, idk why.

    Our other friend in our group is the polar opposite, I love that man. But with me driving or my car in general and the guy last night, I simply cannot take the liability anymore.
  4. Everything said here was said to his face btw
  5. Yes, this boy is toxic; I say boy because from what I've read he doesn't act like a man, so I won't call him one.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Sounds like he cant hold his liquor. He almost caused you to get a DUI. People who fuck up like can end up being pretty expensive. I wouldnt party with him in the future.
    Your sister is far from blameless. If you commit to being DD and you get drunk as fuck thats really irresponsible as you put your whole party at risk. Next time you party, leave both of their asses at home.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. I feel to lazy to read that right now...excuse me!

    However, the way you write does NOT signify you are toxic but neither dissmises it. It leaves the possibility ;)
    Deleted Account likes this.