Is there something to be proud of?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by jurte, Aug 8, 2021.

  1. jurte

    jurte Fapstronaut

    Guys, I have a question. Unfortunately I relapsed again after 5 days. I wrote a couple of posts here about how I want to kill myself, but I won’t do that again since it’s not the way to conquer yourself. What I’m concentrating on is the fact that I went from daily masturbation up to four times for long years to to releasing every 4-5 days. Should I be proud of that? Also, how can I finally get that mindset? I relapsed cause I was drunk throughout the week I tried to stay busy and focus on working out, but last night I got super drunk after party and relapsed twice. Today, I spent all day in my bed, hungover and binged. Right now I can’t comprehend how can one do this for a long period of time, I mean NoFap. I feel like at some point I need to release, can you prove me otherwise?
  2. XandeXIV

    XandeXIV Fapstronaut

    In short, yes, I think you should be very proud that your time between release has increased, and you should let it encourage you. I use this kind of thinking to encourage myself all the time. I was possibly doing more than 4 times a day at one point. When I fail now, I remind myself that at least I'm not doing that any more. Before my current streak it was maybe once a week for me, which is still a long way to have come from where I was.

    And yes, it's hard to see how we can go for a long period of time without a release. But think back to your 4-times-a-day self... could he envision that 4-5 days without PMO was possible?

    More importantly, don't worry about whether or not a long period is possible... each and every day worry about whether that day is possible. then repeat the next day. Maybe you will relapse. Maybe I will. Maybe I will slip back into once a week or multiple times a day. While I'm proud of my current progress, I just see my day counter as a tool to motivate myself and others, nothing more. Each day is what matters and if we worry too much about the future we create stress, release stress hormones and lose control. The need for release increases.

    Personally what I'm more proud of is how far my attitude has come... that I am now willing to open up on a public forum about what I struggle with and that I am more repulsed by my actions than I used to be, even though I still slip up and make those actions from time to time. I also think you should be proud of the fact that you have acknowledged that there is a problem to be dealt with. So many don't... they lie to themselves and to those around them and let PMO do its dirty work in their lives. I pray for them to escape this lifestyle, but I am proud that those of us here have chosen to turn away, even if we do keep slipping up.
  3. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    Everytime you overcome urges is a victory to be proud of. Personally, drunkenness and (especially) being hungnover is a guaranteed relapse for me, i have therefore cut my drinking right down (only one drink occasionally when i have a meal out, no drinking without food,etc)
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