Is there a way of healthy porn use?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by CieroWake, Jun 26, 2018.

  1. CieroWake

    CieroWake Fapstronaut

    Given the experiences of some people on this forum most of you would say no, I guess. However I wonder, we are addicts whose porn use have affected or daily life. But there must be millions out there that dont get addicted en just limit there porn use to a safe and healthy degree. I for one like to edge for hours with the excuse that I need to find the perfect P for my O. Which is ridicilous. I could PMO well within 5 min and move on with my other activities. Long story short: Is there a more or less healthy way to PMO or will eventually all fall for the addiction ..
  2. wtbootb

    wtbootb Fapstronaut

    Depends on what kind of person you are. In my opinion there isn't any for someone without any friends/someone they can talk to - you get the idea... It's our human nature to bond with something. Doesn't matter whether it's an unhealthy bond or a healthy bond. If you can't create healthy, there are always those unhealthy ones that will welcome you every time and don't betray you.
  3. Clean Plate

    Clean Plate Fapstronaut

    Think about it like this, some people like to drink wine to savor the taste, these people don't go overboard. Then there are the people who do go overboard to the point where drinking wine/alcohol disrupts their way of living life. For example, drinking on the job, being too agressive which leads to violence because of the habit of drinking, not caring for themselves (life and hygiene), driving under the influence and not caring, etc. There are people that do the former, believe it or not, then there are people who do the latter. Now compare this analogy to PMO. You have to ask yourself, "which one am I?" Then you will find your answer. I for a fact know that you are the second in the analogy. Why? You are a member of NoFap. So at a certain point in your life im sure you might have questioned your habit. I might be wrong but thats the facts im working with.
  4. I'm pretty sure I can't. I know that I surely didn't. I was reaching the end of the line mentally and physically, in that I sometimes could not come, or would sometimes get soft while watching. Maybe I just needed something kinkier - but I couldn't think of anything that appealed to me.

    It's probably just as well.
  5. No man, there is never a way for healthy porn use. Unlike alcohol and sugar, PMO can't be taken in moderation/healthy use. It's just impossible.

    Even for those who do PMO and have "successful" lives, they still feel guilt after their "session" in the first place. So tell yourself, "is it ever worth it or is it just a plastic butterfly not worth catching". With this mindset, you won't ever desire porn like I do.

    Also, get yourself a partner or at the very least, close friends. You wanna at least have some bonds since it helps. Just do anything besides PMO because it's always bad. You can read, draw, write, meditate, anything really. Just don't do PMO, ever. There's nothing good about it at all.

    So bottom line, I don't think there's a moderation when it comes to PMO at all. I know that at some point, that person will go fucking crazy with it so no, not worth it. Like I said, it's just a plastic butterfly. So whatever you do, get yourself a partner/friend, do some activities, and don't do PMO.

    -Captain Rex
    Deleted Account, Hitto and CieroWake like this.
  6. Hitto

    Hitto Fapstronaut

    The shame will always be there because you are hiding it alcohol is something can be done social but still it is still harmful just like any other drug but agree porn is a different monster and can’t be used in moderation nor should it because I believe it’s used as a form spritual warfare that’s just my opinion
  7. Lee741258963

    Lee741258963 Fapstronaut

    For me NO
    I don't need to waste any more of my life looking at porn, it is not beneficial to me at all.
    Deleted Account and Hitto like this.
  8. bassist_car_guy

    bassist_car_guy Fapstronaut

    Well, in my opinion, it can be a positive sexual outlet, but it shouldn't be your only sexual outlet. If you ever do it to make yourself feel better and not because you just feel like getting off, you should stay away. But honestly, the argument about whether or not porn is fundamentally bad is pointless, I think the biggest factor in that is the person who's watching it. For all of us, here at nofap, it would be the same as an alcoholic or drug addict going back after getting past their addiction. Not a good idea. Instead of having other people telling you about their past experiences and opinions on it, why don't you ask yourself? The only person who can make up your mind is you, so really ask yourself, what good has porn done you? How has it made your life easier or more enjoyable?
    CieroWake likes this.
  9. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    Then there are those people that shoot themselves in the head and lived and there are those people that stabbed himself in the dick with an ice pick and lived then there are those people that hit themselves in the head with a hammer and lived you see I happen to be one of those people that they are at 98 days and I used to look at porn all the time and now I just want to go back to being wholesome healthy and having regular sex with my wife and not even masturbating I want to live my life like you should I should have in the beginning with God in the center having wholesome healthy sex not even thinking about looking at other people having sex for me to get turned on just food for thought do not fall into the trap to take the little bit of it's okay it is an industry that you are feeding into and they could give a rat's ass less about your contribution towards
    Hitto likes this.
  10. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    And just look at the site you're on you came here with your own baggage but you're just ridiculous to even think that okay so either log off and go back to what you thought you should have been doing pmo or commit yourself to a program are you here to check yourself or wreck yourself?
  11. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    Healthy use of what?

    Watching others fuck while you masturbate near them? Why would you ever do that again?
    phwrancesco likes this.

    STAR DUST Fapstronaut


    STAR DUST Fapstronaut

    That’s the addiction talking. Just because you put glittery words like healthy in front of it doesn’t mean nothing. It’s like healthy cancer. Porn use is porn use
  14. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    Great wording actually.

    I strongly feel the same applies to masturbation.
    STAR DUST likes this.

    STAR DUST Fapstronaut

    Yeah I agree
  16. phwrancesco

    phwrancesco Fapstronaut


    STAR DUST Fapstronaut

  18. There is no such thing, it's not like masturbation where once in a while is fine, even if they're supposedly not addicted porn is still harmful psychologically in many ways and truly is useless. I fail to see anything "good" out of it and rather just it objectifying people and their bodies.
  19. I can't consider something that mocks a person's dignity (either the audience's, but also the actors') healthy. It's just illogical in so many ways.
    Can someone healthy even watch porn and feel good about it? It's not like there's some beautiful story or a story at all. It's just a mockery of one of the most beautiful aspects of life that were given to us. No, just no.
    Deleted Account likes this.