Is Saint Bernard of Clairvaux the Praton of the nofap cold showers?! LOL

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by White_umbrella, Aug 27, 2020.

  1. Should we put Saint Bernard of Clairvaux the patron of nofap cold showers?! lol

    Saint Bernard of Clairvaux is known for throw himself to icy lake because he was having urges.
    It looks like even this big, important and know Saint use the cold shower stuff before.
    Maby we was the first nofap user to use cold showers lol but maby with diference that he was not recover from sexual addiction but try to avoid the sexual addiction and like this preserve integrity.
    They say to that once while he slept in an inn, a prostitute was introduced naked beside him, and he saved his chastity by running.

    Maby we shoud have one patron of nofap cold showers. What do you think about this? lol
    I vote yes. And you? :)
    GoldenDreams and Johnthesavage like this.