Is nofap more difficult for teenagers?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Aug 31, 2016.

Is it easier for me as a teen?

  1. Easier

    4 vote(s)
  2. Harder

    21 vote(s)
  1. I don't know if this is the right place for this thread but here goes. So I was talking with my AP groups. I'm one of the youngest on this forum. Some of my buddies were saying that it must be so hard for me to quit jacking off and stuff because I'm a teenager, and you know how teens are, horny as hell. But then others say its easier for me because I'm not as far down the rabbit hole, I'm not as addicted. What do you think?
  2. It's not black and white Ace! As hard as this may sound --- the truth literally is that everyone is an island and if there are overlapping rules, they are only the physical laws of the universe. Everything else that has to do with the mind - we create. And creation means we changed what once wasn't and brought it into being. There's no barometer or measurement system we can compare two different journeys regardless of overlap. Now to the actual answer ---

    You already way ahead of your peer group teenagers that are carelessly jacking off of which a lot will definitely end up going deeper down the rabbit hole - perhaps end up like those of us in our early and late 20s. You have the advantage of time and the exposure to NoFap. It's totally up to you buddy how hard you find the journey - but make an informed, aware and resilient choice. To know that our teenage isn't lived separately on a different planet and then we descend towards adulthood. It's a continuous life - so make the right choice and one that your future self will feel honored to have lived by. Just my 2 cents man!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. Whether or not puberty makes this easier or harder I just want it to be over. I hate being a teenager sometimes.
    ons.obb_swaha likes this.
  4. IGY

    IGY Guest

    It is an interesting question, but I agree with what the others have said - it is much, much harder for a teenager with an addiction to high-speed internet porn. In early teens or even before that, the pituitary gland lets slip havoc by triggering your gonads to secrete loads of testosterone into the bloodstream for about ten years or so, when the process becomes less frenetic. Because of the neuroplasticity of adolescent brains, the arousal from fake sexual stimulation causes brain changes. But for older guys this doesn't occur as they were never exposed to the brain altering, high-speed internet porn. Sorry Ace.

    That is why an older guy can reboot inside three months, whereas a teenager may take double or triple that time (or in bad cases, over a year). This is covered in this interview with the scientist that founded the website.

  5. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    The earlier you do NoFap the more it will last into future. I didnt start this till I was 37 so you have at least a 20 year head start.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Oh my god I can't even imagine when the young people become old and have been addicted to high speed porn. Its horrible. But Ill recover eventually. Im never doing it again.
  7. zip6331

    zip6331 Guest

    I guess I qualify as old people, and what I learned is that there will always be something right around the corner, some no-no that will tempt us and lure us into an addictive behavior. I didn't even realize that PMO was addictive, until it became a "porn crush" addiction, brought on by way too much damn info on the Internet, and very cunning "perfs" who I allowed to play me. Maybe M is a right of passage, so was smoking, and having that first beer. Think about how those things worked out for a lot of people. Making big changes in your life isn't always easy, nothing worthwhile ever is. When I found out about these forums and joined in, I found real help, for me it's working. I also found a way to deal with my porn crush, first I dumped all social media, second, I found some simple words to describe how to overcome my curiosity when I start thinking about these perfs. "It's Not My Concern"
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. vulture175

    vulture175 Fapstronaut

    I has started pmo since i was 23. Already 3 years and still struggling in misery. Imagine people who have been with pmo since early age. Omg.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. mmny541

    mmny541 Fapstronaut

    I began PMO at the age of 12-13. The only reason I found out about P (at that time I was only into video games and baseball, not girls yet) was because of classmates who told me all about stuff like hentai and making sex jokes that I couldn't follow. That same day, I went home to search on what they were talking about and fell down a rabbit hole that I wish I didn't fall into.

    High school was more of the same of that for me, joking about sex and porn. I went to a private all boys school, so there wasn't anything like having sex in bathrooms or fights over boys that I hear happens in regular high schools, but tribalism is still there. Guys love to brag about how far they went with a date/hookup/GF/etc. & guys at that age do have a sexual impulse that grows by the years. Puberty picks up around then.

    Ace, the secret is to find people that will support you and understand your concerns. A tight knit group of friends that don't prejudge you in school. Try your best to avoid peer pressure and be your own person of your terms, not anyone else's. That applies to NoFap as it applies to anything else in life.

    What'll keep you busy is extracurriculars and sports if your into either. Worry about getting into college/uni and figuring out your future endeavors. Worry about discovering hobbies that you wish to explore.
  10. zip6331

    zip6331 Guest

    I definitely get the "brag" thing, because most of the time that's what it was. I went to an exclusive private school for one year, that was it for me, I literally threw down the gauntlet at 15 and begged to go to public school, best move ever. I believe positive change is hard but possible, set standards and work it hard every freaking day. Most of all stay off social media like Twitter and these "perfs" and their "Snapchat", Amazon wish list, and the other hustles, these people put on a big show, but are mostly pathetic "one trick pony's" This is no BS, one perf, I refuse to give her name, I will not recognize her, was Tweeting with pics back in April about being in Pittsburgh at a Stanley Cup playoff, saying how she'd "****" the whole team, while her mother was back in MN, dying from cancer, with just days to live; really cool....right? So this is someone you'd PMO to? These people are total shit, and not worthy of one second of your concern.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 1, 2016
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    In my experience. Not once when I was a teenager did I stop and think "I have a problem" or "I feel guilty after watching that". Instead I was like "I need more" and "can't wait for tomorrow night".
    But now I'm not a teenager the realisation of it all hit me, and hit me hard.
    Although I voted that I believe it's easier to quit as a teenager, I still also believe it can be harder. It all depends how your mind set is while your a teenager.
    If nofap existed while I was a teenager, my whole PMO addiction would likely have never gone the same way it did.
  12. I began PMO at the age of 13, I'm now 21. So for 8 years I've been addicted to high speed internet Porn. It's hard not to imagine what my life would've been like if I found out about NoFap at an earlier age and was successful with the reboot. But it's all good, it's never too late to end an addiction.

    And to answer your question I would say it's harder for the younger generation. Gary Wilson (Founder of your Brian on porn) suggests that " If you started masturbation and Internet porn in early adolescence (or if porn use preceded masturbation), recovery may take 3-6 months, or longer. "
    Younger means stronger brain wiring for porn, and weaker wiring for the real deal. If masturbation began with Internet porn use, the pathways can be very deep.
  13. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I started PMO when I was 11/12. PMO addicted for 12/13 years. Started off as just M then I discovered P while on the school bus, my friends had mobiles and so they would all show each other. Then my curiosity led me to the internet on home PC. My pmo addiction was born that day. *Sigh* its sad when I look back at the chain reaction of events that led me down this path.
  14. And I now that I think about it, I doubt any of the older guys on here have PIED due to all the playboy maganizes they fapped to lol
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. zip6331

    zip6331 Guest

    You'd be surprised. I will say that when I fapped to a Playboy or Penthouse babe, there was no feeling that she was someone I'd ever actually meet or get hustled by; she was a fantasy, pure and simple. Another thing is, how many times have you or anyone else actually had sex with a real woman like these Perfs do on camera. They're not fucking, they're performing like a trained seal, displaying themselves to get you off, so you'll send them gift cards, or other stuff. Remember, once they shoot that scene and get paid, it's done for them. By the time most of these Perfs are 25 they wouldn't know the real thing if it sat on them. They're pathetic, damaged goods. Real romantic......
  16. Thats right!
  17. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    Great analogy
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    Im 14 years i watched porn for 1 and a half years.
  19. zip6331

    zip6331 Guest

    Sounds like you're on the right track. Keep focused and good luck.