Is MO bad?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by ya-dam, Feb 14, 2017.

  1. ya-dam

    ya-dam Fapstronaut

    I am a fapstraunaut and i want to know is Masturbation in essence bad?
    if it is controlled. Without porn would it actually be detrimental?
    what harm does masturbation in itself do to you?
  2. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut


    Common question asked here. First I'll need to address the rules to constitute a true masturbation session.
    It must be in the absence of any artificial visual stimuli. Pictures, videos, pornography and including your own imagination.

    With that addressed, the actual act of masturbation, if controlled, isn't correlated to any health effects. HOWEVER, many Fapstronauts including myself report plenty of benefits practicing abstinence from MO. So therefore, abstaining from it will keep you functioning at your most optimal. Thats essentially what NoFap is for.

    No PMO, is the real culprit that most Fapstronauts here need to address. Pornography, and artificial stimulation directly correlates to ALL of the sexual dysfunctions posted on these forums. This is an addiction and needs to be seriously addressed.

    I hope I've answered your question.

    HappyDaysAreHereAgain likes this.
  3. Proceed

    Proceed Fapstronaut

    I read somewhere that masturbating is sexually immature, because you are making yourself orgasm for a release, or to relieve tension, instead of it being an expression of love. The same goes for having sex with someone that you don't like, don't care for or don't know
  4. Fulton

    Fulton Guest

    I think MO demonstrates a lack of self-control. Unlike animals we have the ability master ourselves and not be slaves to our baser passions. In fact our dignity as human beingings is found in this self-mastery, which is why we have a natural aversion to anyone who lowers themselves to the level of an animal where they are unable control themselves like a drunkard or those who abuse drugs. So too we would have natural aversion to someone masturbating if we saw them in public or even in a private residence, because this action shows a lack of control. In the end masturbation is a useless activity and more a sign of sexual immaturity than maturity.
    HappyDaysAreHereAgain likes this.
  5. IGY

    IGY Guest

    My personal viewpoint, based on my personal experience with masturbation, differs from the official statement about this:
    I started masturbating enthusiastically :rolleyes: when puberty started, aged 13. I was a chronic masturbator for 30 years before I saw any porn. Yet my daily masturbation addiction (fuelled only by my imagination) was very damaging to me. I think it is hard, in practice, to masturbate without imagining a sexual scenario. To do it with a clear mind, so to speak. I preferred to masturbate than to engage with others. I attempted to stop it periodically, yet I could not sustain it for more than about 7-10 days. I felt at the time and I still feel that masturbation was a blight on my life and robbed me of any deep satisfaction or happiness. When I first got a computer @ 8 years ago, I went straight on to porn sites to augment my imagination. My computer was Pandora's box! :oops: I regard masturbation as the "gateway drug" for porn. I consider them to be two sides of the same coin. I find it hard to imagine that someone with a addiction to porn could continue masturbating "healthily", without it returning them inexorably to their porn addiction.
    SlapTheFap and Proceed like this.
  6. YYZed

    YYZed Fapstronaut

    I think you may be surprised to find out how you really feel about masturbation, women, and sex once your brain has healed. At that point you should be in the right mind to decide whether you masturbate, have sex, abstain, or whatever. The issue is that we are addicts, not that looking at a naked chick or masturbation is inherently BAD, but we have a problem regulating that in a normal fashion, and until your brain physically heals and changes we are trapped in a cycle. When you're an addict you have no real power over the substance, be it sex, drugs, or food. The substance dictates your life. When you distance yourself completely from the substance you are free to choose.
  7. MichaelJ

    MichaelJ Guest

    NoFap was the only thing that lifted my depression, anxiety, brain fog, OCD, you name it in 2013. And it gave me more energy, so my adrenals healed then. Things got worse when I started fapping again in 2014. But it was last year when I decided to stop wanking. My aim was to become more masculine. Then I had an aha moment and discovered abstinence from orgasm and masturbation was the secret ingredient of the miracle that happened to me in 2013. It really changes my personality. But 8 days is not enough, I think I felt the best at least at 30 days.
    SlapTheFap likes this.
  8. MonacledGentleman

    MonacledGentleman Fapstronaut

    I will also say that there is evidence that masturbating with your hand can cause problems with sex later on. You're effectively training your brain, through Pavlovian methods, to be aroused by a handjob. Later on, it can actually cause ED problems because actual sex doesn't feel the same, and your brain either doesn't get turned on, or becomes so turned on you don't have any stamina.

    There's also a school of thought that says that testosterone is the chemical that gives you confidence and drive in your everyday life, and by spilling that out every day or every other day, you're basically bottoming out your free testosterone levels all the time and handicapping yourself from any basic success in life. I don't have any personal experience with this theory, as I haven't ever tried semen retention techniques yet, but it's given me pause.
    Proceed and MichaelJ like this.