Is learning languages a good idea in my case?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by IST, Sep 9, 2019.

  1. IST

    IST Fapstronaut

    Hi, I've already cut computer games, started nofap and cut off movies, books, internet curiousity stuff, anything that I find interesting and is very easy, with the idea to rewire my dopamine system.

    I'm trying to improve my discipline and increase a lot my resistance to discomfort by building habits and doing boring and unpleasant stuff. And by not doing easy high-dopamine stuff. I used to flood my system with happy chemistry by reading and learning for reading and learning's sake, without much actual benefit from those. I'm trying to eliminate distractions from what I want to be my vocation.

    With that in mind, does it seem like a good idea to spend about 30 minutes every day on learning languages? The way I'd go about it is 15 minutes Spanish, 15 minutes German every day, long term, in Duolingo, which is lots of very easy exercises. In 3-4 years I should be quite good conversationally at both (no hurry). They would not be immediately beneficial to me, I have no plans of living in or even traveling long term in any predominantly spanish/german speaking country. I don't even have friends who speak any of these. I just like how they sound, probably because of tv channels I used to watch as a kid.

    Is this a total and useless distraction? I do get a serous dopamine hit from it (I do feel very good while doing the exercises) yet at the same time, long term it should be quite good for discipline (daily habit) and it is not a huge time sink. Any thoughts? My main concern is its effect on my dopamine system reboot.

    Good idea, bad idea, or try and adjust?
  2. Personally i wouldn't pack reading and learning as distractions. Life is about growing and cultivating knowledge and memories, i think that is really the point of living.
    Protagonist and Deleted Account like this.
  3. You should give it a try.
  4. Lilla_My

    Lilla_My Fapstronaut

    Dopamine by itself is not necessarily a transmitter that makes you feel good - it's more related to anticipation. In behavioural addiction, it's not happiness (or even interest) but anticipation the user gets addicted to.

    Consider someone with a gambling problem. The anticipation of a potential win gets them excited. So they play, and they might win, or they might loose. Even if they get sad or happy by the result of their behaviour, they will keep going, because the anticipation of a new potential win is too hard to resist. Anticipation and excitement doesn't rely on positive outcomes to work. For example, soldiers can release large amounts of dopamine when they anticipate tragic war events in their minds.

    It's highly unlikely that duolingo or learning gives you that "high". Quite the opposite, people shy away from intellectual learning because it can be too dull to the highly stimulation seeking brain. This slow, ardous work is just what your sensation seeking brain needs to be trained in. So go ahead, learn as much as you can, weaken the bad pathways in your brain and strengthen the good! Viel Glück!
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2019
    shamrock19 and need4realchg like this.
  5. IST

    IST Fapstronaut

    Some posts elsewhere helped me clear things out a bit. I'll be dropping duolingo as I don't have a solid reason for being there. I use it mostly for the feel-good "ding" of a successful answer and gamified progression, which works similarly to porn, keeping me there for the next dose. It's fun and interesting, but right now it's just a distraction, I'll use the time for something more beneficial. Too many things to learn and do, too little time.
  6. Protagonist

    Protagonist Fapstronaut

    I'm learning a language too (Korean) not because of any benefits or intentions to go there. I do it just for the fun of it.

    Sometimes you do things in life just because you want do it, it improves your mindset towards yourself and you start to love yourself more as you're doing stuff for yourself.
    I don't think you can get high learning a language. You need to just avoid the stuff which are addicting, learning or reading is not addicting, it is necessary for you to grow and become better at stuff.

    If you remove learning from your life, then what meaning does your life still consists of?
  7. Hi, I think this is a good and serious question.

    In the way that duolingo or other similar language learning apps are very similar to games. You complete tasks (which are pretty easy to do) and then get your reward (points, next level)

    So if you want to do a dopamine diet (doesn't really matter if that's a good thing to do or not) I would suggest to not do it!

    If you want to learn a language then do. But by buying a book or going to a real life course. Don't start to play a game, do the hard work!
  8. Tibo87

    Tibo87 Fapstronaut

    It is a great thing to do.

    Maybe you should focus on one language first, focus on it entirely, smash it, and then with your motivation pass to an other one.
  9. DerSchütze

    DerSchütze Fapstronaut

    This dopamine fast seems a little extreme, perhaps getting a dopamine rush from healthy activities (such as exercise) isn't a bad thing?
  10. IST

    IST Fapstronaut

    Protagonist, I agree that learning a language is great in general, unfortunately for me, right now, it is a distraction. It is fun, but I'm doing way too much fun things and not enough useful things.

    Informious, exactly what I was thinking. I'll cut it for that reason. It actually didn't even occur to me to spend time right now on learning a language in a different way. Shows that I was in for the game, not for the language.

    Tibo87, you're right as well, if I were to learn a language it should be only one. I couldn't pick one to drop, that's the issue I'm trying to address, swamping myself with fun and interesting things which are not of tangible benefit to me.

    Thanks for the thoughts :)
  11. IST

    IST Fapstronaut

    Exercise is good but takes effort. Exactly the type of dopamine pathways I'm trying to reinforce. That's why I exercise every day. Instead, I'm trying to cut what I find easy/addictive and not clearly beneficial (movies, tons of books I want to read, games, porn, podcasts, constant news, tech news, etc). I want to do/know a thousand things and way too many of them are fun to actually get to the useful (and not fun) ones.