Is it wrong I have the desire to become a gym rat?

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by TheLoneWolf88, Nov 3, 2021.

  1. TheLoneWolf88

    TheLoneWolf88 Fapstronaut

    I'm finding that going to the gym is a useful alternative outlet aside from PMO. I've lost 45 lbs already since the beginning of the year and I want to gain muscle. I don't want to get ripped like The Rock, just have noticeable muscles.
  2. That is one of the best things you can get hooked on I think, The gym is super good for you.
  3. Congrats on the 45 lb weight loss and keep up the great work. I love going to the gym. Helps me to relieve the stress of the day and clear my mind.
    til_im_free likes this.
  4. Aléxandros

    Aléxandros Fapstronaut

    That's admirable, but I suggest you stay natty and don't start to buy supplements with lots of caffeine or even steroids.
    Keep it natural and it will only keep you healthy and make you become the best version of yourself!
    Congrats on your results!
    til_im_free and (deleted member) like this.
  5. TheLoneWolf88

    TheLoneWolf88 Fapstronaut

    I'm trying to keep going there, however it's getting quite cold here now. I can always do at home exercises
    til_im_free and Aléxandros like this.
  6. Go in a tank top and shorts, the cold is a weapon to strengthen yourself, take cold showers to.
  7. TheLoneWolf88

    TheLoneWolf88 Fapstronaut

    That's been my attire all summer long
  8. Do not change it.
  9. As long as you're not doing it rather than things that are more important like work, or family matters it's fine. I use to workout 3 hours a day back in highschool, but I cut that down to around 1 1/2, sucks the gyms are closed here because of mandates ;/
  10. This is a great thing to do. However, gym rat implies you being dumb because all you do is work out. So to eliminate that and retain your brain cells I would remember this:

    It is possible to rebuild brain cells from working out but the only way to do this is to do some type of learning after the workout. I suggest doing some type of studying or learned trade. For instance, working out and immediately after instead of watching TV, learn to play the guitar or study a field of interest.
    k3muthomi likes this.
  11. I got so hooked to home workouts that I just made a fitness challenge, I needed a way to transmute this energy into something useful so here I am putting in the work. I think it's a great thing looking after yourself, I wish more people did it.
  12. +1 for the gym rat crew. It’s a healthy obsession and a great way to burn off all that excess sexual energy. Regular lifts were the only reason I was able to make so much progress in NoFap. When gyms closed during the pandemic, everything went sideways.

    Eat right, rest, and keep away from the juice :emoji_syringe: you’ll grow big and strong :emoji_muscle:
    Whispers likes this.
  13. TheLoneWolf88

    TheLoneWolf88 Fapstronaut

    I'm getting there, but I'm still a little obsessed with junk food
  14. That’s no big deal. But honestly, junk food is an addiction any other. If you cut it out for a month, you will lose the taste for it very easily. I used to like the occasional soda or snack but now my senses just reject them. Would rather have fruit instead. Don’t even have snack food at home.
  15. TheLoneWolf88

    TheLoneWolf88 Fapstronaut

    It's a bigger deal as I'm now pre-diabetic