Introduction: Who am I. Hello there + week 1

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Snwboarderz, Jul 21, 2014.

  1. Snwboarderz

    Snwboarderz Fapstronaut

    Hello there.
    I'm 23 years old.
    I first started fapping around 13 when my friends at school talked about how awesome it felt. Back then, it was the go-to relief activity with very little understanding of the monster I was building.
    The first time I noticed any negative repercussions of fapping was when I was 16. I did it before football practice on morning (2-days summer football) and I remember getting mauled that particular practice because I was just completely drained out of energy as if I had been playing football all night.
    So I told myself to fap AFTER practice.
    The issue went on until I became more and more socially awkward around women. Then I learned "The Game" which drastically improved my understanding of attracting females. I dated more girls in the first 6 months than I had my entire life. Meeting girls became a natural instinct and I loved it. Something that happened unconsciously was that during this period I stopped fapping. It was unintended. Primarily because when I was seeing a girl, the fapping became less and less attractive. The conversation and the chemistry of a relationship was so much more exciting, fun, meaningful and exhilarating than my hand and a screen. So naturally I didn't want to fap, not because I hated it, but because there were simply better options. What I didn't realize was that this NoFap gave me this new form of energy that made women flock to me even more. My voice got deeper, my eyes had a little more sparkle and my chest stuck out a little further when I walked - I felt like a true alpha. And all of this was unintended. Months later I looked back and realized that the only ingredient that had changed was that I completely cut out PMO. The only Os were from actual encounters which were at best 1 to 2 /week.
    This was at around age 19-21.

    Now at 23, I have changed my views on casual dating/sleeping around because of increased mediation and more workload (I own a couple of businesses). So I slowly reverted back to PMO and fapping. And slowly but surely, my energy, self-esteem and pride have decreased as well. Oh and so is my attraction level even though I am much more equipped than I ever have been. Again, the only ingredient that has changed is PMO.

    So, here is to once and for all. To get my superpowers back permanently, not just for the ladies but for myself, my family and friends and the countless number of lives I can affect with that energy.

    I want to start on "hard mode" for thirty days, I have never made it that far without PMO (even when I was not watching porn).

    Wish me luck.
  2. Hotshot

    Hotshot Fapstronaut

    Good luck man. I am 23 as well, started when I was 9.

    Start a journal!
  3. Caveman

    Caveman Fapstronaut

    Hey Snwboarderz,

    Very interesting post. Amazing to hear of how PMO has impacted your game with women regardless of your ability. You sound like a pretty accomplished guy and I'm sure that cutting out PMO will help further your success. I look forward to hearing of your progression and the results you get. Good luck moving forward.