Introduction — new start

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by mike.n.s., Oct 28, 2014.

  1. mike.n.s.

    mike.n.s. New Fapstronaut

    Hey all,

    My name is Mike and I am currently a college senior. I've been masturbating since 8th grade of middle school and has been continually going on since then. I usually masturbate maybe like 2-4 times each week and lately I just been feeling that it was time for me to stop. Sometimes I would revert to masturbation as a coping device to get my mind off stress or relieve some sort of anxiety. I don't know why, but for certain masturbation moments I had, I experience more anxiety after. (Weird right)? I don't if that is a neuro/psychological thing, but I just want a new fresh mind set, and I don't want to see women as sex objects... So I guess that is primarily the reason why I am here. So... heres to a "new start."

    —Looking forward to helping other brothers out there in the community and looking forward to meeting you all.
  2. Dogwood

    Dogwood Fapstronaut
