In it for the long haul

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by longhauler, Jan 23, 2015.

  1. longhauler

    longhauler Fapstronaut

    Just finished up a 5 hour fap session and I'm ready to fall asleep but before that I want to make a commitment to never do it again

    It just wastes too much time and I suspect it has a negative effect on my mood. I wish I had more than a suspicion... sometimes I have bad days after a week of nofap and sometimes I feel good on a masturbation day. And of course I use that knowledge to rationalize my bad behavior but I'm pretty sure it's bad behavior because I usually feel like shit after masturbating and I usually feel good after days of abstaining.

    As for the amount of time I waste doing it... Ironically, one of the reasons I caved in today was due to wasting time with sexual fantasies when I should have been working. I figured, might as well crank one out real quick so I can focus more fully. But that maybe works, 1 out of 5 times. 4/5 times my work suffers because of it. Eh, I guess gambling is exciting

    But I've had enough of it. I've watched lifetimes worth of porn, enough that I really shouldn't miss it. All of the images and videos I've seen over the years are only wasting my brain capacity, potentially restricting my full potential.

    What could I have achieved by now if I had used my time towards more productive means than masturbating? I guess that's a stupid question. The better question is: What can I achieve now that I've stopped masturbating? Through the extra time I will have, and through the potential of sexual transmutation, surely I can achieve great things, right?

    It will be a challenge but I'm reasonably confident. I went about 2 weeks in late December (and ironically I broke the streak at the very end of December / beginning of January as some sort of "fuck you" to New Years Resolutions). Two years before that I went about 3-4 weeks. That was back when I first heard about nofap. Back then, I was so busy (working 16 hour days), that I routinely only fapped once or twice a week and it never included the ridiculous fap sessions that I used to partake in during long stretches of free time. Basically, it was easier back then.

    Now, I'm self-employed. I'm mostly accountable to only myself. There's a lot of power that comes with that but it can also be a challenge. My current goal is to once again keep myself busy enough that I won't have time to jerk off ever again.
  2. michgem0707

    michgem0707 Fapstronaut

    The start is to keep telling your self it is not what you want. Get rid of the fuck it ideas. Just like being self employed you will need to set goals, routeens and an attitude of success. There are two podcasts I would start with. ASI247, and the daily boost. One is directly for porn and masturbation. The other is motivation. See how they do to help start building your motivation to go all in on your business and ending PMO. Hope this helps. Prayers for strength.