Importance of

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by MistrGalvanickehoPokoveni, Sep 13, 2014.

  1. Hi guys.

    A brief report from my last several days. I would like to say, how much is important to not leave this forum. I haven´t been here for 6 days and last 4 days I edged. Every day I was closer to relapse, but finally I went through this tough moment. I am back. I have read some success stories and some other threads and it was like a balm on my soul. Keep it in mind that this forum is your safe place and place that will give so needed energy when you are losing your breath... :)
  2. I concur. There have been numerous times when I feel close to relapsing where I just click on a few random posts, read others stories and some random encouragement, and it always clears my mind so I can get out of whatever place I let myself go.

    I really like the Emergency Relapse Prevention Tool. Works really well!
  3. beauty

    beauty Fapstronaut

    From my experience, when I am going to relapse, there is nothing in this world, including the Emergency Relapse Prevention Tool, that will save me from relapsing. The will MUST come from within. I'm glad it works for some folks, but for me personally, my willpower and determination are the only components that continue to save me.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2014
  4. Finalfight123

    Finalfight123 Fapstronaut

    I agree and in some ways don't. see early on yes its great to have. But eventually you should grow from it. Separate. Because its in some ways like a crutch. Yes it will help you back on your feet and the support from the community will help but once you get to a certain point you should be able to know yourself and you actions well enough to know that you don't need this.

    Its a tool in your box but not a necessity. You can go on without it and will have to. I hate to say it but in many ways this site is a reminder of what we are quitting and in some ways I believe we should focus on building the new not fighting the old. I think its ok to come on but don't rely on it to the point where you need it, because you don't want to be to reliant in one area otherwise when it goes whats left. Find self reliance in yourself in who you are your character. Good luck man.
  5. Thackeray

    Thackeray Fapstronaut

    Without coming on here at least once or twice a day, I'm sure I'd lose focus from my reboot and my target. In fact the first time I tried nofap back in January, that's what happened. I started, then lost interest, then relapsed and continued on fapping. It's taken me a while to come round to the idea that I must be proactive with my recovery. So visit at least once or twice a day and update my journal with a daily check-in to stay on course.
    Having been on another Forum for gambling addicts, visits, updating a journal, reading others posts etc.. helped me kick a habit that was really ruining my life (I couldn't describe how bad I was). Whilst this is a somewhat different problem, the same rules apply here.
  6. Well, you can easily go astray, if you are in depression. Because in depression, you lose your vision of what is for you so important for going forward. It is like all these vision boards with watches, beautiful destinations and cars. If you don´t see it regularly, you lose your aim and you´ll go astray. For that reason, I don´t see anything bad in visiting nofap. But of course, I respect your opinions guys...
  7. jmark

    jmark Banned

    We all need support. We're here to receive it, and in our turn give it!
  8. I completely agree. I successfully escaped the cave of PMO but have stuck around to escort other people out of it. Without having the tremendous amount of accountability (not letting the community down, helping others), I may not have stuck to this porn-free lifestyle for very long. I really relied on the community for a period of time before being completely comfortable living life porn-free and filling that void with fulfilling activities.
  9. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Hi Alexander. I shall always bee indebted to you and the community you have created here - thank you. You used to have your own counter. Does the removal of it indicate that you are completely rebooted yourself or is there another reason for not having one? Either way, you have my respect and best wishes. Thanks again: IGY
  10. Thank you for the kind words, IGY. There are a few reasons behind the removal of my day counter, both on NoFap's website and the subreddit. Firstly, I no longer feel that it serves me because porn is something I see as something that occurred in my past. If I see how many days it has been, I feel like it pulls my past problem into the present. I have left porn behind and filled that void with a ton of awesome stuff - it is no longer a part of my life, aside from helping others quit it.

    However, I think that the day counter is very useful during the beginning - middle phases of fapstinence. Once you want to leave porn in the past completely, counting the days is counterintuitive.

    Also whenever I used to slip up, I would get five+ people messaging me about it, which kind of just made me feel bad.

    I might add it again someday, but leaving it off for now.
  11. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Well I'm sure we never meant to make you feel bad, but whatever works for you, right? Out of interest, @ how many days did it take for you to reboot from porn would you say?
  12. On the subreddit, people would actually boast about their streaks through private message. "Oh you created NoFap and I am BEATING you - not so powerful now, eh" - dumb stuff like that. I'm just a human - just because I created a porn-recovery website doesn't mean I am a porn-immune God. I slipped up, just like most people.

    Rebooting took me three years, mostly because I kept returning to it for a while. It isn't such a cut-and-dry process for everybody :)