I'm tired of not knowing what I'm attracted to.

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by fumaruu, Aug 20, 2021.

  1. fumaruu

    fumaruu Fapstronaut


    23 year old male here with a weird and unhealthy fetish. I get aroused when I think about getting squashed.. Yeah you heard it right, I feel a sense of pleasure when I am being used like a chair. My squashing fetish isn't gender specific, meaning I'm into getting squashed by men and women. I'm not talking about any men or women, but big or overweight men or women. I'm also 100% sure that I have a non-gender specific fat fetish.. How did all this start? When I was in kindergarden, my teacher used to sit on all the kids that were acting up or not listening.. yeah.. and why did I mention this? Because I pretty much think that this triggered my fetish for big women and getting squashed. At age 10/11 I remember looking up mild squashing porn and googling big women. I then discovered that there was a fat fetish community where fat women were called BBW (big beautiful women). After years of checking every single squashing content available and exhausting my brain from big women on skinny men squashing porn, I started to switch over to big men on skinny men squashing porn. Things started to get nude around this time. I have started to feel aroused watching big naked men sit on skinny men. So now I get turned on by this act no matter if done by a male or female. It started to escalate to the point where I created accounts on gay websites dedicated to extremely overweight men and other men that love them. I messaged lots of big men and had fantasies of them squashing me with their weight. This went on for years now. But to this day, never EVER have I had thoughts of having sex with them. I would never have sex with a man, yet when I walk past a fat guy on the streets I turn my head around and think about getting squashed by him or how his fat turns me on. I am not sexually attracted to guys, it is just my squashing fetish. I have a few friends that are overweight and we often wrestle like guys usually would and would have them sit on my back and I get aroused by it without them knowing, still, there is NO sexual attraction at all. It's like my fetish doesn't care which gender as long as it is about squashing. After 10 years of exhausting my brain from men on men or women on men (sometimes even men on women) squashing porn, it is time to stop! I am 23 years old, still a virgin, never had sex with anyone. Because of my strong squashing fetish, sex doesn't get me sexually aroused at all! There are no girls in my life at all, that might be why my brain puts more focus on men when it comes to my fetish. People often talk about sex and how they get a boner when they see a hot women, but I never got a boner just because someone has a nice butt or is super hot. I never had a crush, never had any sexual thoughts. I never even fapped in my life. Most of the time I just wake up after having a wet dream. Am I just weird? I'm thinking that I might be asexual because I never thought about sex, but after reading through the forums I am thinking that my addiction to squashing porn was so bad that I never gave my brain the "chance" to get sexually aroused by sex. All I want is a healthy relationship with a woman, have sex every now and then and make kids. Thats all. So because of my fetish, All I am into is squashing. Never had a sexual attraction to anyone, never thought about having sex, never fapped in my life and now I'm 23. Do you think quitting porn could rewire my brain to start liking woman and wanting to have sex with them? I never had any sexual contact with a woman so I don't know how my body would respond. Someone please help me.. all these thoughts are making me depressed. Am I just an asexual with a non-gender specific squashing fetish?
    Furozima10 likes this.
  2. So are you saying when you watch this content that you don’t masturbate you just watch it without touching?

    You should begin a detox and not look further into this until you are fully into this process. Words cannot describe to you how altered your perception is until you are off it. Like looking at the world through rose tinted glasses everything you see is rose colored, but if you want to understand the deeper aspects (colors) of yourself and what’s going on with you, first you need to take the glasses off(porn). As this process continues you will begin to better understand your preferences and what you truly want without being manipulated by hyper-sexualized graphic content.

    Just begin the detox and let the process begin.
    GuitarDude and Vanquisher12 like this.
  3. TimeToQuitNow

    TimeToQuitNow Fapstronaut

    You should date a fat girl. Not a lot of guys like them so they'll be more easily available. And you like it so it's a win win
  4. OrangeJuice13

    OrangeJuice13 Fapstronaut

    The blind leading the fucking blind here, except for NamaClature's reply which is sensible.
  5. fumaruu

    fumaruu Fapstronaut

    Hey thanks for your response. When I was around 14/15 or even 16 I think I had my testosterone levels checked and I've been told my the doctor that my testo levels are higher than usual. I am also quite hairy and developed a beard early on. My legs are covered in hair and my voice is as deep as it can get.

    I don't think it's due to my testo levels.
    My sexual orientation is just so stunted man like you said. I was depressive because I thought I was gay or something. Not saying that it is wrong to be gay but I just don't want to be. I just want to be able to get a hard one and eventually ejaculate so I can make kids loll just so confused here.
  6. fumaruu

    fumaruu Fapstronaut

    I might haha
    TimeToQuitNow likes this.
  7. fumaruu

    fumaruu Fapstronaut

    I haven't watched any sexual content since I posted this thread. I hope I can feel a difference...
    TimeToQuitNow likes this.
  8. gema9494

    gema9494 New Fapstronaut

    Similar case here. I have a trampling/squashing fetish also non gender specific, but I have always been attracted to girls romantically. I guess it was also induced through a childhood experience as I remember also liking it as a kid. When puberty hit, I started with PMO and never had an actual sexual experience for many years. This brought me a lot of confusion about my sexuality, and I thought I was asexual.

    I’ve been constantly trying to abstain from PMO for several years having some long streaks of up to 70 days. There has been massive change. I have a very loving and understanding girlfriend who has helped me on the way, and we have been slowly improving our sexual life. I still don’t feel like I’m fully cure, but my own experience makes me confident that I will be able to succeed. In my opinion, you can’t get your brain to like vanilla sex if you keep feeding it with PMO with your fetish. So try to stick to the challenge and judge for yourself if you see any improvements, every case is different but still there is nothing to loose. Hope this helps..
    fumaruu likes this.
  9. fumaruu

    fumaruu Fapstronaut

    Thanks your responding man. Were you able to get a boner by anything other than trampling/squashing? I have been feeding my brain for as long as I can remember with this fetish so getting turned on by anything other than this fetish seems to be impossible for now. I've had romantic attractions but words can hardly describe how it feels. But when it comes to having sex the real struggle starts there. I hope it'll change... My brain things in order to be turned on I need squashing or trampling..
  10. GuitarDude

    GuitarDude Fapstronaut


    Also someone said something about checking hormone levels. Might be something worthwhile to do after you detox.
  11. GuitarDude

    GuitarDude Fapstronaut

    Why do you say long streaks of about 70 days when your day counter says 500+
  12. gema9494

    gema9494 New Fapstronaut

    At first I just had boners with my fetish, now is very common to have with gf.
    fumaruu likes this.
  13. fumaruu

    fumaruu Fapstronaut

    What has changed? Like what is it that you find attractive that you didn't find attractive when you were heavily PMOing with your trampling fetish?
  14. Furozima10

    Furozima10 Fapstronaut

    I laughed so High when I readed your Story man Lol !
  15. fumaruu

    fumaruu Fapstronaut

    I laugh at myself too because Im a fkin joke man
  16. Furozima10

    Furozima10 Fapstronaut

    That's the weirdest nor the dumbest fetish I've ever seen in the whole Universe.