I'm New

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by quietSoul, Dec 9, 2015.

  1. quietSoul

    quietSoul Fapstronaut

    Hi I guess. I'm new to this "sharing" thing with people I don't know. I'm not entirely sure if it's more comfortable because I don't know you guys or if it's more uncomfortable. I'm the type to want to be liked by everyone and measure up to some kind of expectations- a reputation to protect. I feel judged all the time. I'm definitely cynical and paranoid. So if I get into a negative rant, well, please stop me.

    I'm doing this because I want and need to stop my addiction to pornography and the resulting masturbation. Yeah it's part religious reasons but it's mainly because it eats away at my soul. I'm dying inside. It distorts my views on relationships. It makes me yearn for a life of sex- just sex and I don't want that. I want a full blown connection with someone I love and respect with romance and all. With my overall addictions I feel unworthy, unloved, and dirty.

    So here I am seeking help. I want to change and I want to stay clean. No ifs, ands, or buts allowed.

    Peace out my fellow fighters
    NoBrainer likes this.
  2. iborntobefree

    iborntobefree Fapstronaut

    Welcome Loryn! You've definitely made a very good decision by joining the community! Appearantly you have already some experience to fight this temptation. I'm sure you'll find some very effective weapons over here to strike pmo back and come out as the winner one! You can do it, I'm sure about this :)

    Don't feel ashamed, we are all in the same boat in this community, nobody will judge you. Feel free to ask for help or to ask if you just wonder about something.

    I've learned a lot since I'm here (~3 months) and I can tell you, that my skills fighting pmo got to a completely new level.

    Before I was talling myself that I shouldn't do it, but I had no plan. Here I got good weapons, strategy and many comrades who are willing to help me.

    Keep reading and find what works the best for you!
    quietSoul likes this.