Im new here

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by cjdcggrm, Jan 10, 2017.

  1. cjdcggrm

    cjdcggrm New Fapstronaut

    Hi, i'm new here
    Im 20 years old and im from a sudamerican country. My english is not very good so i gonna try to express me in a good way. I have this problem for 8 years aproximately. And the last 3 years is worst, i cant more and i expect tjhat this place help me to go out to this addiction.
  2. iwillnotfapiwillnotfap

    iwillnotfapiwillnotfap Fapstronaut

  3. Perseusthehero

    Perseusthehero Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap,
    I found this and I hope it will help you. Perseus.
    Whether you're trying to learn how to hit a curveball, dribble with your left hand or fade a 7 iron, it takes practice, patience, commitment and time. The same is true for achieving a lasting and meaningful recovery from sexual addiction.

    If your history of using sex to medicate your feelings of unworthiness started over 35 years ago then you are not going to rewire your body and brain back to normalcy overnight.

    There's a saying that if you walk 5 miles into the woods, it's at least a 5 mile walk out. I'm not saying that you have a 35-year journey to recovery, but the unhealthy thinking over the past 35 years will need to be rewired and it will take time.

    I believe one of the best traits a recovering person can have is patience.

    Often times we want the quick fix or the get rich quick scheme instead of the "slow and steady" way of the turtle. In my work with recovering sex addicts I often see the individual that comes to a meeting the first day and is so gung ho and wants to recover TODAY!

    While I admire their enthusiasm and don't want to dash their dreams I believe the only way true recovery can work is by implementing the "one day at a time" attitude.

    When I'm feeling:

    • Angry
    • Lonely
    • Anxious
    • Fearful's much easier and in many ways seems much more normal to revert back to old ways of thinking; "If only I looked at some porn I'd feel better." Or, "If only I masturbated or hooked up with so and so, then I'd feel better." But in the end, I'm not making myself a better person by giving in.

    Instead, I have to put in the hard work to make my new tools more effective.

    The 6 daily tools of my recovery are:

    • I need to spend every day connecting with a community and sharing what's going on in my life.
    • I need to tell those close to me how I'm feeling so they get to know me and see my struggles.
    • I need to be vulnerable.
    • I need to spend quiet time through prayer and meditation
    • I need to ask for help.
    But I can't start this and expect instant relief. The truth is, I have to be patient and I have to be committed and I have to let time work its magic. I believe the program of recovery is a program of action. I need to take action, whatever that looks like and however small a step it is, but I need to take it NOW.

    And I need to take it the next day and the next day until I have a whole bunch of good activities piled on top of each other. Then and only then will my mind and body start to be rewired and the end result will be a better, happier, more peaceful me. A me that makes this world a better place. A me that my loved ones and I can be proud of.

    So what are you going to do today? Not tomorrow. Today.
    AndySky180 and cjdcggrm like this.
  4. cjdcggrm

    cjdcggrm New Fapstronaut

    Hi, thanks for your message.
    I wanna start today leaving my addiction so for this place i gonna tell us my progress day a day and i expect leave my problem. I follow your tips to achieve my goal.
    AndySky180 likes this.
  5. AndySky180

    AndySky180 Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap. Your English is very good btw!! Cheers!
    cjdcggrm likes this.