I'm new here, it's my 1st week

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by fan_1975, Jul 17, 2020.

  1. fan_1975

    fan_1975 Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone! I'm new here. Been hearing about this community and practice maybe few years ago. But finally, I have finally entered and decided to join people having a new shift in life. I started last week– it's my seventh day today. So, I rewarded myself signing up here today. It's been struggling– really. Just watched a few motivating nofap contents whenever I'm close to relapsing so I could just redirect my focus to somewhere else and control my sexual urge down. I know a week of NoFap would not necessarily show so much of an improvement. Not to exaggerate, I feel much better. Writing this would surely be not my thing before I even get started. I'm 19, got a couple of sex and being in a quarantine, urges of self ejaculation is surreal. Decided to get started with this because for the past few months in quarantine. I have been ejaculating daily. If not once then twice, someday thrice. I have reached the point when I force myself to masturbate even if I wasn't hard nor completely horny at all– so I watch porn and vwalah, an arousal has been done. Felt so lazy, unmotivated, and tired— always been seeking for an unnecessary arousal. Back to my experience so far, 1st and 2nd day doesn't seem so hard, because in my normal busy days, 2 days of NoFap is my longest hold. So the 3rd and 4th was the hardest, had the urge to atleast just edge and some rubs. But I thought, it will just gonna tolerate me and eventually fap. Yet again, refocused myself to other stuff. On my fifth day, ofcourse urges are still there, but i felt really more motivated than ever. Imagine a lazy scrawny guy has finally decided to do some workouts. I get a lot conscious with my built and posture now, I get to realize so quickly that I'm already slouching etc. Ive also had a sudden urge to eat vegetables which I really never eat and would always set aside for every meal. Guess I'm into nutrition intake right now. Hoping for me to get successful in this, ofcourse not relapse as soon, and be a better man!— hopes for banging some gals aside for now lol!

    Hoping for everybody's welfare! Especially for the new ones! No to relapses!
  2. fan_1975

    fan_1975 Fapstronaut

    1. I'm 19 yo
    2. Male
    3. Actually tried to quit years ago, but i just couldn't stop especially with social media right now. As a boy having a few intercourses already, it's been so hard trying to hold back from it while longing for that pleasure.
    4. Porn has done so much bad things to me. Not until today that I just realized most of it. It felt like a drug. Even at times when I wasn't even horny at all, I force myself to watch porn just to hit on fapping and experience thay unnecessary self arousal. As more commonly, porn has been my remote relief on reminiscing past experiences and fantasizing more hook ups. It used to be my stupid guide on how to have the best intercourse ever (mutually with a partner)
    5. I've realized social media or generally, the dark sides of the internet tolerates me so much that I couldn't easily stop my urges. Luckily I've became aware that as a student, I became so lazy, tired, and unmotivated when I was not even doing something productive at all. All I do is scroll through my phone, when feed's gone boring, I watch porn and fap and so on. Can't even do simple chores. Well socially, I'm bad at it, my social anxiety is worst, I even tried to silence myself just to stay safe from what other people may say. Thus, I generally thought porn and excessive fap does me more harm than any good.
    6. Quitted social media, quit porn, do more productive things like more advance studies and some beginner workouts. Specially, I'd try my best not to relapse in 30 days if I could, I'll not masturbate as long as this quarantine in my country is not over.
    Just for a quick introductory of myself
    Breakthrough23 and Henryforward like this.
  3. Welcome to the community brother!! I hope you come out your addiction and Rise like a phoenix !
    Breakthrough23 and fan_1975 like this.
  4. Welcome bro get familiar with the forums and try keep a journal its good to be accountable. You will become a better person in so many ways!
    Breakthrough23 and fan_1975 like this.
  5. fan_1975

    fan_1975 Fapstronaut

    Thank You so much mate! True, I'm still a bit confused with the features on this site. Will try to manage learning this interface. A bit of a distraction from PMO as well lol. And yah writing journals would prolly help me get track with my improvements and be more self aware as well.

    Anyways, same to you!
  6. fan_1975

    fan_1975 Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much bro! Same to u as well! Would love to learn much things from you guys!
  7. You got this my man. You're doing a great job so far.
    fan_1975, Henryforward and palindromo like this.
  8. fan_1975

    fan_1975 Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much for the motivation mate! Means a lot to me! Same to you!