I'm experiencing paranoia as a withdrawal symptom, how long will this last?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by donewithporn1002, Nov 7, 2019.

  1. donewithporn1002

    donewithporn1002 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys,

    I'm experiencing very bad paranoia and anxiety and I'm 17 days in. How long will this last? Has anyone else experienced /experiencing this as well? and does anyone have any tips on how to make this easier?
  2. 4eyedfox

    4eyedfox Fapstronaut

    Dont worry about how long it will last just learn how to deal with it in the moment it is happening so you can get past it.When I feel myself having a paranoid thought I just laugh at myself and said well if that does happen that would be funny and very unlikely.
  3. Never happened to me.When I was a Alcoholic I had the DTs however

    Are you doing any kind of substance? Sorry for the rude question but that just seems so abnormal to be paranoid because of NoFap

    I have had Hallucinations and Delusions while coming off of Alcohol. Bad stuff if you ask me, thought I was gonna die
  4. Jonkas1

    Jonkas1 New Fapstronaut

    Your nerves system and dopamine are related to eachother .. the less you release dopamine, the less sensitive you will become to such things and be able to think rationally again .. just hold on to PMO and you will experience it yourself
  5. zombieslayer

    zombieslayer Fapstronaut

    Don't wait for it to go away. Meditate on it, pay attention to it. Where are these emotions coming from?

    Also socialize more to teach your brain to deal with many different situations. It won't be fast or easy, but consistently take action and you will see results.
  6. donewithporn1002

    donewithporn1002 Fapstronaut


    No no substance abuse at all, I suppose their just very anxious/paranoid thoughts that are crazy, and will most likely never happen, and deep down I know my subconscious knows that, but I keep believing that the thoughts may become reality.