Im a addict, need to start another streak right now.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Weidro, Feb 10, 2019.

  1. Weidro

    Weidro Fapstronaut

    So, for a very long time, i didnt used NoFap, because everthing were good. I didnt had any problem to control myself. I had a streak of 82 days without fapping and since the 15th of september, i didnt watched porn once. However two weeks ago, i couldnt control myself anymore, I said to myself, I will fap 3 Times this evening to porn and than never again. Yeah but it didnt worked that way. Five Days later and i M again to porn, to the same fucking porn i used to fap to, way back before i started NoFap, I fapped more and more frequently and since Tuesday or so once a day. The last time was on Friday, i will start a new streak from this day now. However i will try a hard mode now. For sure i can say now, that im an addict. Also this 90 or 100 days are not anough for me to heal my porn addicted brain, cause right now im at the same point when i first started, but now i know i can do it and im more serious about this now. I learned allot in those 82 days and thats why iam so motivated to start another Streak, i wont set a goal like 90 or 100 days or a year or so, cause i learned now, that it is useless to say 90 days, and than fap on day 91, thats stupid for me, cause i know i will do it again some days later and than again and again. However im still proud of those 82 days, sometimes i really thought that im completely cured, seriously on some days i didnt thought about any porn related. After day 40 or so, it was getting way easier to resist and life and everything was way better. So my goal is now to stay in hard mode for a very long time, i wont set any more Goals, just a very long Time PMO-Free, well maybe O, but PM-Fee for 110%.
  2. Astro77

    Astro77 Fapstronaut

    Hi what you have explained happens to me when I relapse I say I will only do it once but they I think I might as well do it again and I go into week long relapses of binge watching porn and fapping. I am going to try the same technique as you now- not aiming for days as when I did NNN I failed on day 31, but continuous no PMO.
    Good luck !