iinner voice fucked me up !!!!!

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by from2003, Oct 19, 2022.

  1. from2003

    from2003 Fapstronaut

    I'm fucked and can't handle the inner voice which always come to my head and said to do relapse promptly , and no matter how hard i try the voice always win ( just only last time and never this going to happen ) but i always did again in a horrible manner (6 times ) which make my penis weak and i don't have any energy left in my body i m dead flash and wanna end this trauma but I'm stuck and donno what to do , fuck my life:(.
    Legacy of Lost Soul likes this.
  2. Honestly bro did is what I did when I was really down after a super bad relapse. I just took a video of myself right afterwards when I realised what I just did. When ever I feel an urge I watch that video and it helps calm me down. you should do that as well
  3. Beekind

    Beekind Fapstronaut

    How stressed/ anxious are you?
    Peaceful magic 21 likes this.
  4. from2003

    from2003 Fapstronaut

  5. from2003

    from2003 Fapstronaut

  6. from2003

    from2003 Fapstronaut

    Bro 100%
  7. from2003

    from2003 Fapstronaut

    In my life I never feel that disappointment at this point death' look so sweet:( .
  8. Hey man. Death isn't the solution. It doesn't make your life better, it ends it. What's stressing you out?
  9. from2003

    from2003 Fapstronaut

    Thx for asking , u know I just wanna take the rest from all the family responsibility and all of trauma i am going through, my school life was being done in bullieness , and no friends , no self esteem , i thought that masturbation will make my head stress-free but it made more worse :(
  10. taking videos of myself when i was deep in opiate addiction really helped wake me up, today im four and a half months clean after a decade of severe addiction. great advice. we need to face ourselves fully in order to overcome and to look at exactly what others see when we are in a loop of self destructive coping mechanisms.
    toziko, Beekind and (deleted member) like this.
  11. Wave tamer

    Wave tamer Fapstronaut

    Hi mate we all suffer from negative self talk to some degree, and when my mind is overloaded the only option seems to be to get a release using a method I’ve done since puberty, some people will use booze drugs etc.. Bullying is damaging too. But I’m trying to use mine as a way out of my busy mind. Try reading The Power of Now. I’ve realised my bullies are just messed up damaged souls not daring to face their own demons. So they try and get a lift by dragging people down. It won’t work out good for them as they’re just a creating more miserable environment for them selves and people around them. Karma is real and it sounds cheesey but what you put out comes back. The last 3 days I’ve forgiven my bullies and even prayed they get well. I know it sounds silly but it sets you free. I’ve been stuck in resentment for years and it always drives me to relapse. They’ve battered my ego and my false identity “ why didn’t I say this or do that ?
    So Fuck the ego they’ve battered it, go beyond the ego be present, you’re not your thoughts they come and go be aware of them watch the thinker. Who is that watching the thoughts? That’s you, connect to this as much as you can and leave those unconscious negative people to stew in their own toxic shit. Meditate every day and try and sit with the urges when they arise is it that bad? Do you need to cum or are you just trying to escape your mind? The mind you’re in control of anyway. Master yourself. I’m on day 5 so certainly not a Nofap god but I’m basically posting what I need to do and hopefully it can help someone else. Good luck :)
    dth23 likes this.