If it rains it grows

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by ValorVale, Nov 10, 2017.

  1. ValorVale

    ValorVale New Fapstronaut

    Hi guys I am new to NoFap. I've heard about the NoFap for a while now. Decided to join because it seems to be the only community of people who want to quit porn and masturbation.

    I've been a porn addict for approx 15 years. I hate doing it. But I just can't seem to stop. My impulses get the better of me. The moment I subconsciously visualise porn tends to be the moment I relapse. On my best day, I am able to fight off the temptation (1 or 2 rounds). But I find that the harder I resist, the greater the urge. Most times I give in to it. I feel really sad, vulnerable and lonely. I'm starting to lose hope. Depression is slowly creeping up on me.

    As a university student in the UK, I am losing motivation to study and excel in my field of study. Porn is slowly destroying my life....

    I want to be free from this.........
  2. Yanis

    Yanis Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the Nofap-community.

    Any idea what will be your strategy to get rid of affection?

    26 years and still a student? Exam stress?

    The No-PMO-journey will not be easy but worth the effort.
    Good luck!
    ValorVale likes this.
  3. Jerk Reaction

    Jerk Reaction Fapstronaut

    Porn and masturbation are formidable foes and giving into temptation is a very hard task. Those sad and lonely feelings seem to be very common around here. Hang in there, we are all cheering for you!
    ValorVale likes this.
  4. Such Small Hands

    Such Small Hands Fapstronaut

    At university, too. I've had a PMO problem for years (since I was a preteen) and, like you, it drove me to this point, crying out for help. While there are a WHOLE lot of worse things in the world to suffer, I would not place the frustration/stress/worry/lust/anxiety/fear I feel almost daily because of PMO addiction on anyone's shoulders.

    Good that you're here. That means you have a level of self-awareness necessary to begin the healing process. Get that tracker going, steel yourself, and walk on. It's a long road but we're all on it, together. Stay strong.
    ValorVale likes this.
  5. ValorVale

    ValorVale New Fapstronaut

    Thank you, everyone. It's gonna be a long journey I have to admit. It may take years to recover. But I'm prepared to take that step. For me, I realise that porn and masturbation is an end product of a void within myself. A behaviour to avoid something I am struggling to deal with...... Not sure what exactly that is....