I was a porn addict

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by BMDirty, Feb 15, 2016.

  1. BMDirty

    BMDirty Fapstronaut

    Hey, So I am very much a giant recluse, and I don't talk much, let alone about my problems and mental. I just want somewhere to tell my story.

    I have been masterbating to porn on the internet for as long as I can remember. My parents we're one of the original pornstars on the internet, and knew all about it in 1995, when I was about 8. I don't know when I started obsessively looking at porn then masterbating, but I was very young. It was 2 years ago I started to finally try and give it up. I was forced by my exwife. That first year my addiction was beating me. I spent more days with porn than without.
    I had a very turbulent raging dad, who was very similar in many ways to my exwife. They still make me anxious to just think about, and I masterbate when I grew anxious or when I fall into depression. I would say 2 to 3 times every day since at least 11. It got very bad when my exwife had gotten on blood pressure medications, and lost all libedo. That year and a half, we may have touched each other about 10 times. I remember now locking myself in the bathroom multiple times a day, Neglecting responsibilies.

    I have also had ED for as long as I can remember. My first 3 sexual experiences were complete failures. It was very common in my relationship with my exwife, and in my current relationship I am going through a patch right now.

    9 months ago, I guess you could say I finally stopped losing the war on my addiction. I didn't do it purposefully I had struggled a week mentally not looking at porn, then became too distracted to think about it. I left my emotionally abusive exwife for another woman at the two week mark of porn free.

    I was solid, no ED for weeks on end for the first time in life, and it felt amazing. Never experienced anything like it, but I have noticed something. I lapsed 2 or 3 times into porn again in these 9 months. Not like I was, no where near it. It oddly connects to when my ED kicks in. Last week, I lapsed, I stress masterbated to porn. For the past three days, I've had ED.

    My girlfriends last words before falling asleep after a vaguely failed sexual experience was "You just looked so stressed/pained." . She had stopped me, but once that happened my boner drifted away, and I couldnt continue. My heart racing, and sweating, I wasn't having sex like I had been. I realized I was trying to have sex like I masterbate. I told her if I ever look like that, do not hesitate to stop me.

    I do believe my small lapse is causing my ED, and I am commited to never looking at porn compared to the "every now and then" idea I once had... I plan on not masterbating either for an indefinite amount of time.
    I just started my research fixing myself yesterday And well, here I am.

    I am pretty sure I have damaged my sexual system in my body, and now I have an extremely strong drive to fix it. Does anyone know what kind of damage I may have done, is it reversable, and any advice on what to to make the best recovery?
  2. IGY

    IGY Guest