I want to Watch Porn NOW !!!

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Furozima10, Jun 25, 2021.

  1. Furozima10

    Furozima10 Fapstronaut

    My Brain is giving me a hundreds upon a thousands of Reasons to Masturbate.

    What should I do guys ?

    Should I follow my Demon?

    The reason of it is that my Girlfriend broke up with me because she thinks that I’m poor and i can’t afford her a Luxury lifestyle so she dumped my Ass. Life is so Unfair i think that if I was richer she’d still be with Me...

    Help me Guys I’m seriously Injured and hurt from this Unfairness.

    I was loving her but she was only Interested in the Money.
    Abel100% likes this.
  2. Take one 5 mins cold shower it helps...
    Furozima10 likes this.
  3. Furozima10

    Furozima10 Fapstronaut

    But I have low immunity system
    I’m afraid if I do take a cold shower that I’ll get Sick
  4. Furozima10

    Furozima10 Fapstronaut

    She’s a gold digger but she was fulfilling my Life
    As i said in my other posts I’m not a good looking guy and womens don’t notice me so I don’t even have the choice
    My only choice are Gold diggers
  5. Furozima10

    Furozima10 Fapstronaut

    Thanks man can you reply on my other Post that I recently posted ?
  6. Furozima10

    Furozima10 Fapstronaut

    I don’t think i can be good looking

    I’m the nerdy guy type and I’m overweight too
    Womens never noticed me in my Whole life and I’ve never had Any luck with them.

    I don’t think someday I’ll attract any girl for Me and all of my previous Exes were the Biggest gold diggers.

    It’s not that I like gold diggers but I don’t even have the Choice.
    It’s like I’m Invisible to girls they never looked at me differently than a Nice guy and friendzoned me.

    I always tried my best to find Love. But no way

    the only way I can make a girl Interested in me is By buying her an Iphone 12 pro max and giving her Money and then she accepts to be my Girlfriend. And I assure you that this is The only way I found to make a Girl interested in me and wanting to be my Girlfriend
    I tried to be nice and everything but in my case. I’m invisible and only the money can make a girl want me...
  7. 野良西木

    野良西木 Fapstronaut

    You're not confident and your self-esteem is low, perhaps look into these problem and solve it, this gold-digger thing that you're doing is addictive, stop it as soon as possible. Meaningful relationship usually exist without money.
    Perhaps stop being desperate, date the ones that loves you sincerely and that only, love is but an aspect of life, if you were not to get a love that's real, why even bother? Educate yourself and work out, increasing your value should be something auto, WITH OR WITHOUT woman. Love yourself for nobody will love you more than yourself will do.

  8. Furozima10

    Furozima10 Fapstronaut

    I need a women to Love me in order to raise my Ego and my Self esteem
    Without that i can’t move forward sadly
    Abel100% likes this.
  9. 野良西木

    野良西木 Fapstronaut

    Oh boo hoo, no woman no confidence. Look, I'm not being mean here, it's just that you have a distorted perspective about life, it's not about sex and love and paradise. Live is about pursuing things beyond that, responsibilities, confidence and motivation should never come from the outside world, you should be generating them inside you, BY YOURSELF.

    You came to look for a solution, I'll give you a solution, stop letting woman getting into your head, listen, NONE, and I mean absolutely NONE of the thing should come from a woman. The main reason you're not getting any girls is because you're not being what you are, you don't do things for yourself, you don't raise and fight for status just for the sake of it, and you don't want to improve if there's no woman. Stop doing everything just for women.

    Being a man is more than hot chicks and sex, it's about responsibilities and how you lift your own world, so PERHAPS stop doubting, stop complaining and whining about how unfair life is, and as a wise man once said:" JUST DO IT!"

  10. Furozima10

    Furozima10 Fapstronaut

    What do you want me to Do?

    I don’t care about status or Money

    I need Love i need hugs

    they said that A True Hug can Heal you from Cancer and i Believe it.

    I’m so sad and desperate

    I don’t know why I see my self as Ugly

    If only i was Beautiful and Able to attract as many Womens as I wanted.

    If i was a Billionaire i would pay 1 Billion just to be able to make Girls chase me.

    As i said before I don’t care about Fame or Money or Status.

    Only beautiful and angelic and goddesses womens can make me happy and make my Life fulfilled otherwise i just feel like a piece of crap and garbage that is Useless to this Whole Universe
  11. 野良西木

    野良西木 Fapstronaut

    Just tell me how old are you.
    Furozima10 likes this.
  12. Furozima10

    Furozima10 Fapstronaut

    23 - Zodiac sign: Pisces
  13. 野良西木

    野良西木 Fapstronaut

    Right, buddy.
    I'm gonna explain it one last time, and if you still fail to absorb what I am trying to say, I'm going to give up.

    I'm a science student, so I'll put everything in science and fact.

    Before we start, remember that humans today, are not much different than humans back when we're still trying to make fire with sticks and stones.

    First, Mr. Coak and I had been giving you the answer that you want oh-so-much, the reason that you're not getting girls, is because of your mindset and status. Since ancient times we are surrounded by danger, man develop strong muscle in order to protect woman, and since there's no gym or healthy bulking diet back in the days, muscle is seen as good genetics, and thus, worth woman's while to take their gen and reproduce. Here's the reason to work out, a healthy and strong, reasonably muscular body, ATTRACTS woman, don't believe me? Let's take some examples from the famous MCU, Thor? Muscle, women go crazy for that guy's physique. Captain America? Muscle the actress can't even resist touching the guy's massive pec.

    Second, there's two reasons to why you feel like a piece of shit that's not contributing anything :

    Number 1 :
    Because your status is low, since ancient time human on the higher status or dominance hierarchy receive shit tons of advantages, 1: getting the pussy that you want so much. 2: getting the best food. 3: The ability to decides people's life and death in a moment. (Side notes, the size of you, the amount of muscle you carry, are somewhat proportionate to your power, thus your status)
    Number 2 :
    Your porn addiction hacks your brain and is making you weak-minded. It takes your confidence and self-esteem away because deep down, we all knew that porn is fucked up and it causes us to be fucked up. Now take a look at this sweet little flow chart for you.
    ( Porn = fucked up -> You look at porn = you fucked up -> You can't control the fucked up amount of how you fucked up -> Feel like shit because you fucked up)

    The LITERAL reason your self-esteem and confidence are close to the ground is that you're in low status and you don't know! A woman needs no man to please them, a woman needs a leader, someone that can protect them, someone that can guarantee them a good life, they are literally hard-wired to do so, it's in their brain. See if any woman wants to be with someone who holds lower value than them, that's the full reason you'd want to INCREASE your status.

    I gave you 2 big reasons to improve yourself, because I can't tell if you're trying to evade our explanation or straight out dumb, so I won't waste too much time talking about science to someone who doesn't want to accept the truth.

  14. Furozima10

    Furozima10 Fapstronaut

    Okey thanks. But how can I increase my Status ? And what do you even mean by Status ??!
  15. 野良西木

    野良西木 Fapstronaut

    Status can mean a lot of thing, it's probably the most important aspect of one's life, it can be the ranking in your job, how tidy and how confident you project yourself, you can translate it into the so-called "Alphaness", though I think they are just a bunch of incel idea.

    I'll give you this gentleman as an example
    This guy is the literal embodiment of charisma and status. Is he handsome compared to another actor? No, he's not, but the confidence and status and how HIS world surrounds nothing but himself is the thing that makes him so attractive and charismatic, perhaps look up and watch more James Bond movies, maybe you'll benefit from it.

    last chance likes this.
  16. Furozima10

    Furozima10 Fapstronaut

    I mean i don't haave a Job and i'm still Studying. So I need to have a Job in order to have a Status?

    I didn't understood the real meaning of what "Status" means...
  17. 野良西木

    野良西木 Fapstronaut

    Watch James Bond, it'll come to you.
  18. jt850

    jt850 Fapstronaut

    It's all about self-compassion. Learn to take that love and those hugs and affection you want and give it to yourself. Once you learn that, you'll have enough confidence to attract all the women you'd like who will genuinely love you. Love to you brother!
    last chance and Furozima10 like this.
  19. Really...?!
    Why do you think in very, very, very cold countrys they put the babys in cold water and then take they off?! To get immunity system, to get used to the envinorement...
    If you take one good cold shower and then you clean yourself and get warm it is all good... I think the only problem is if you take one cold shower and then dont put yourself warm some good clouthes. I ussually use to do normal showers and then one small cold shower to dont get the body to hot, it is good to the skin...
    In sports some persons after trainning do ice cold showers you know?!... to be strong and recover the body trainning, immunity system...?!
    You will not get immunity system inside one cage and without sun.
    They use ice showers in professional sport... the only carefull you need to have is after that when you out the shower you need to get really, really "warm clouthes" if you are stoped with low body temperature after one cold shower and no movement, that what we need to avoid nathing more. They use this one sports...
    God bless you. :)
    The Pennsylvanian likes this.
  20. I would just add to the status discussion that confidence is indeed a big part of what is attractive to a woman, in addition to being physically well kept, but being too self centered, too focused on just your personal growth can impede your character. I think it’s important for a man to have a bigger dream than himself, for example, mine is my wife and property, two things I work on day in and day out to cultivate what God has given me, and which I dreamed of long before I had them. It could be a job or hobby or art or passion. And that will shape your character and develop you in turn, so really developing yourself personally and developing your passion go hand in hand. Just be ready to sacrifice yourself to what you’re passionate about, to another person you love. That quality of not being afraid to give of yourself, even spill your own blood for something or someone you love, really develops a man’s character. But for now it sounds like you should really be working on developing your own self assurance and strength